Fema Sources for your Essay

Female Sexual Pain Disorders and

By addressing a critical analysis of the research studies of the past, the author avoided the requirements that would have been needed when it came to working with study participants or human subjects. Still, an analysis of the studies done by other researchers does provide a great deal of information, specifically for how other researchers have approached the issue and whether cognitive behavioral theory has been shown to work in the past (Bergeron, et al

Female Sexual Pain Disorders and

Female Sexual Pain Disorders and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy The article addressed here deals with female sexual pain disorders and the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat those disorders. These disorders are much more prevalent than many people would assume, and this is a serious concern for women and for the medical community (LoFrisco, 2011)

Female Sexual Pain Disorders and

Although women are more open about their sexuality than they used to be, there are many areas of sexual health they still do not discuss and may not feel comfortable addressing with a partner or even with their doctor. The research into sexual pain disorders in women is very valuable because of the taboo and because it is important to let women know that these disorders exist and that there is more they can do to seek help for them (Van Lankveld, et al

Female Serial Killers

The female serial killer's victims are generally children or the elderly, since it is these people who can be overpowered easily by a single woman. (Kelleher; Kelleher, Female Serial Killers) Within the age bracket of 14 to 55 years a female serial killer made her first killing

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

e. The inability of completion of the sexual response cycle, referred to as primary orgasmic dysfunction (Andersen, 1983) to an inability to achieve orgasm with only vaginal or coital, intercourse associated stimulation

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

The basic definition of Female Orgasmic Disorder is the reported and actual inability of a female to achieve orgasm during the sexual act, either alone or with a partner or the inconsistency of ability to achieve orgasm or finally the inability to recognize orgasm when and if it does occur and therefore to enjoy it to the degree that she believes she should. (Kelly, Strassberg, & Turner, 2006) the severity and type of the disorder can range anywhere from the total lack of ability to achieve orgasm, i

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

Over the years the condition has been associated with a highly medicalized ideology and has also been discounted by some in its entirety. (Lavie-Ajayi, 2005) to step away from the debate regarding the disorder, by accepting that the disorder exists to the extent that it affects lives and can require therapeutic counseling intervention is the point of this work, rather than to debate the existence, non-existence or the physical clinical nature of the disorder

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

The inability of completion of the sexual response cycle, referred to as primary orgasmic dysfunction (Andersen, 1983) to an inability to achieve orgasm with only vaginal or coital, intercourse associated stimulation. In the strictest sense primary female orgasmic disorder refers to the inability to achieve orgasm with any stimulation and is estimated to affect 10-15% of the female population (McMulle & Rosen, 1979, p

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

Tools such as the Female Sexual Function Index or FSFI are not only accessible to the clinician but are necessary for the development of a full diagnosis and treatment plan, including but certainly not limited to recognizing medical and/or health issues that though rare might exist and be in need of address by a medical doctor. (Meston, 2003) Review of Literature The approach of this literature will be to address each body of work chronologically, as it is important to understand that the counseling issues associated with FOD are fundamentally interlaced with the logical progression of the perception of disorder over time

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

912) with percentages increasing to up to 75% when the definition of FOD expands to its broadest point. (Sotile & Kilmann, 1977, p

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

The work also supported treatmetn fo primary (unable to achieve in any form) and secondary (able to achieve most often with masterbation but rarely with intercourse) but did not compare the two groups as a result of the limited sample size. (Tripet Dodge, Glasgow, & O'Neill, 1982) Andersen in Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction: Diagnostic Considerations and Review of Treatment (1983) points out a significant change in the development of treatment modalities for primary orgasmic dysfunction, and that is the addition of the disorder with emphasis on inorgasmia being included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual III, (DSM III) and how this has changed the diagnostic abilities of the therapist

Female Orgasmic Dysfunction Female Orgasmic

5% of men reach orgasm too quickly (Laumann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994)." (Winton, 2001, pp

Males and Females Inequality in the Workplace

19). In the end, she sums up by indicating that gender plays a role in leadership opportunities, but style and priorities remain same as always (Lyman, Ashby & Tripses, 2005)

Males and Females Inequality in the Workplace

The gender inequality is influenced in the manner of leading, speaking and influencing. Hence, men and women have been deemed as two dissimilar kinds of people (Merchant, 2012)

Males and Females Inequality in the Workplace

According to Schein, Mueller, Lituchy and Liu (1996), women are afflicted with the typical think-manager-think male norm. In Nichols (1994) opinion, the popular opinion is that women aren't cut out for the tough decisions and roles of management position; hence they are kept out from these positions (Michailidis, Morphitou & Theophylatou, 2012)

Males and Females Inequality in the Workplace

This is due to the glass ceiling effect which hinders them from rising to upper management positions. They also experience the glass escalator effect, where men are pushed forward along the corporate ladder whilst women are kept back (in women dominated fields as well Maume, 1999; Williams, 1992) (Ryan & Haslam, 2007)

Males and Females Inequality in the Workplace

49), the fact of the matter is that, they haven't. Hence, this wrong assumption of women acquiring equality while statistics show a different side creates misunderstanding, although popular view is that women have made their way into top management position, but they still are outnumbered by men in: Directorship Governance Executive leadership (Schwanke, 2013)

Males and Females Inequality in the Workplace

But the corporate world is based on certain gender norms and stereotypes of role provisions. Hence these roles have made certain divisive identities (Sharma, & Sharma, 2012)

Female Elements in \"Song of

In the process of the search he learns that he, too, can "fly": "If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it" (Song of Solomon, 337). Through knowledge of self and one's roots, through acknowledgment of one's bonds with others, and through pain and self-examination, one can achieve spiritual transcendence and rise to new heights of involvement in the great business of life (Marilyn Atlas)

Female Elements in \"Song of

Reba was cutting her toenails with a kitchen knife or a switchblade, her long neck bent almost to her knees. The girl Hagar was braiding her hair, while Pilate, whose face he could not see because her back was to the window, was stirring something in a pot (Marianne, 177)