Exceptional Children Sources for your Essay

Instructional Designs I For Exceptional Children

"The six standards they propose are that the work should have clear goals, require adequate preparation, make use of appropriate methods, produce significant results, demonstrate effective presentation, and involve reflective critique." (Cranton, 2000) Our typical lesson plan contained: Heading Data, (i

Instructional Designs I For Exceptional Children

On a daily basis, I am permitted to help shape our future through the process of teaching eager minds. "While you may not see firsthand the love of learning you have instilled in a child or the sense of responsibility that paves the way for a child to become successful in life, you have planted the seed that will someday grow beyond your wildest dreams!" (Murray, 2002) Therefore, the objective of this portfolio narrative is to capture that before mentioned spirit and present these combined experiences in a format that can be used to receive college-level credits equivalent to my professional work history, insights, experiences and knowledge of the educational process

Instructional Designs I For Exceptional Children

You'll also find it can be tough, rough and discouraging." (Williamson & Thornton, 1998) Special children have other unique challenges as well