Egyptian Revolution Sources for your Essay

Egypt Revolution & International Relations Egyptian Revolution

Revolutions have consistently risen throughout human history but differ in methodology, time and ideology although the common element is a major change in culture, society, politics and economy (Stone, 1966). The first generation of theorists believed that revolution is caused by social psychology while the second generation believes that revolutions rise from psychological, sociological and political motivators (Goldstone, 1980)

Egypt Revolution & International Relations Egyptian Revolution

The first generation of theorists believed that revolution is caused by social psychology while the second generation believes that revolutions rise from psychological, sociological and political motivators (Goldstone, 1980). While many theorists have investigated the causes that lead to revolutions, not many have studied the consequences and affects (Lewis-Beck, 1979)

Egypt Revolution & International Relations Egyptian Revolution

" Positive relations with other countries play a vital role in order to secure the interest of the nation, economic prosperity and chances of survival. Cooperation with the rest of the world results in more security ensures sovereignty and enhances trade with other countries (Pearson & Rochester, 1988)

Egypt Revolution & International Relations Egyptian Revolution

The product of political revolution is change in government and the aftermaths of such an event are witnessed by the country in form of uncertainty related to both external and internal aspects. Revolutions have consistently risen throughout human history but differ in methodology, time and ideology although the common element is a major change in culture, society, politics and economy (Stone, 1966)

Egypt Revolution & International Relations Egyptian Revolution

Considering the turbulent international politics, Egypt's role in the region and also the internal problems of Egypt caused by political turmoil and financial issues, an extensive research is required to provide possible solutions which would address the prevailing threats to the stability of Egypt as a country and a member of international community. Literature Review: According to Trotskyism theory, political revolution is a deliberated effort to replace a prevailing government or alter the form of a government with property relations remaining intact (Trotsky, 1928)

Egypt Revolution & International Relations Egyptian Revolution

International relations remain in transition and change with the rapidly changing global community and complexities. It includes in itself a variety of affairs at many levels of a nation state with collective international aspects of politics, history, law, sociology, philosophy, culture and economics (Wilkinson, 2010)