Effective Leadership Sources for your Essay

Effective Leadership Styles: Saving Private Ryan

It should also be noted, from the onset, that in the past, various authors and leadership experts like Locke and Kirkpatrick have identified several traits that set leaders apart for non-leaders. Some of the leadership traits and characteristics identified on this front include, but they are not limited to, optimism, self-confidence, honesty and integrity, and drive (Daft, 2014)

Effective Leadership Styles: Saving Private Ryan

" At one point, while addressing Captain Miller's grave, he quips, "I hope that was enough. I hope that, at least in your eyes, I've earned what all of you have done for me" (Spielberg, 1998)

Effective Leadership in the Church

He was also criticized for his centralized leadership style. Furthermore, many of Pope John Paul II's critics felt that he occasionally either intervened too much or not enough, where the bishops' affairs should have been off limits, while issues like the sex scandal involving the American Catholic Church should have received more intervention (Shaw, 2014)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Communities offer valuable means of support for all of their members, but only if the leaders of those communities are able to provide for all of their members in a way that is respectful of cultural differences (Anderson, O'Loughlin, & Salt, 2001; Cnann & Milofsky, 2012; Miller, 2009). Failure to do that can make people in a community feel isolated, and stop them from getting involved with others who might be able to help them -- and who they might be able to help (Barry, 2002)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

A community leader is able to use his or her position in the community in order to help that community develop ethical, moral, and social responsibilities to one another (Caravantes, 2010; Hasmath, 2011). Additionally, that leader can work to instill values into the community (Barzilai, 2005; Baumann, 1999)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Often, the reason they do not reach out is that they are not sure if they will be accepted or if those they reach out to would prefer to be left alone, and there may be an air of mistrust between cultures (Miller, 2009). A community leader is able to use his or her position in the community in order to help that community develop ethical, moral, and social responsibilities to one another (Caravantes, 2010; Hasmath, 2011)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

While they are quite different from one another, when they get together in a community they often find ways to share values, space, and resources in such a way that works for everyone (Goldberg, 1994; Gottfried, 2004; Hacker, 2011). Seeing the vision of how that can take place is part of the social and global perspective of community leaders (Cnann & Milofsky, 2012)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

People in communities band together to work for the common good, and they come together in hard times to help one another out (Anderson, O'Loughlin, & Salt, 2001). Those who are focused on community also pay attention to what is taking place in their neighborhood, and they start programs like neighborhood watch so they can work toward eradicating crime and reducing the number of problems that are faced by the people who live there (Fortier, 2008; Gauntlett, et al

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Each value is not necessarily more important than another, but they do not always mesh well -- and a community leader who understands diversity can help meld values into a shared culture and belief for a community (Anderson, O'Loughlin, & Salt, 2001; Fortier, 2008). Social and Global Perspectives Diversity and culture are what make the world an amazing place to live (Gauntlett, et al

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

There are many unique people around the globe, and there are a host of different cultures and diverse groups that have interesting ways of doing things. While they are quite different from one another, when they get together in a community they often find ways to share values, space, and resources in such a way that works for everyone (Goldberg, 1994; Gottfried, 2004; Hacker, 2011)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Instead of letting that happen, community leaders find common ground between people who are seemingly very different (Anderson, O'Loughlin, & Salt, 2001). Once that common ground has been found, people are much better able to focus on what really matters to them as a community, and they put their differences aside (Gottfried, 2004; Hacker, 2011)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Additionally, that leader can work to instill values into the community (Barzilai, 2005; Baumann, 1999). That is particularly interesting when there is a large amount of cultural diversity in a community, since there are varied values that all have to be taken into consideration (Hasmath, 2011)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Seeing the vision of how that can take place is part of the social and global perspective of community leaders (Cnann & Milofsky, 2012). The more diversity a community has, the more difficult it may be to get everyone on the same page (Hesse, 2000; Kymlicka, 1995)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

That can be vital and valuable when it comes to addressing community issues that affect everyone who lives in that area. The world has been developed by people who had diverse viewpoints about a number of things, and over time those people worked with others in communities and cultures that allowed them to express their ideas and compile different thoughts and plans into something that worked well for that community (Kymlicka, 1995; Parekh, 2002; Phillips & Pittman, 2012)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Failure to do that can make people in a community feel isolated, and stop them from getting involved with others who might be able to help them -- and who they might be able to help (Barry, 2002). While it is possible for people to come together simply because they care about one another and are interested in the people in their community, it is also quite common for community members to essentially remain separate from one another because they are not comfortable reaching out (Miller, 2009)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

The more diversity a community has, the more difficult it may be to get everyone on the same page (Hesse, 2000; Kymlicka, 1995). However, more diversity also means more ways of looking at the world and different ways of solving problems (Modood & Werbner, 1997; Phillips & Pittman, 2012)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

, 2000). They may also work with elected officials to add more value to the community by building parks and green spaces, or by providing safe places for children to play (Parekh, 2002)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

That was true in the beginning of the world and is still true today. A sense of global citizenship comes about in smaller communities, as well, when there are culturally diverse people who work with others to make things better for everyone (Phillips & Pittman, 2012; Taylor, 2011)

Community Leadership Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community

Community Leadership / Diverse Community Community Leadership: Effective Leadership for a Diverse Community Ethical and Social Responsibility There are both ethical and social responsibilities that community leaders need to be aware of, especially when they are working with a diverse community (Taylor, 2011)

Leadership Concepts Related With the Effective Leadership

Inspiring and innovative thinking needs questioning and challenging from the subordinates. The bottom line is that transformational leadership seeks input from team members at all levels and encourages ideas from all across the team (Agin & Gibson, 2010)