Discrimination Sources for your Essay

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

Handle it." (Austin, 2007) at first, the claims from Pasternak were denied as unfounded accusations, yet an independent investigation revealed that such behavior was being directed at him

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

The EEOC was found guilty of discriminating under the same statutes it was enforcing." (Berlau, 1997) After this decision, the official hiring quotas at the EEOC were abandoned

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

Then to make matters worse, the city claimed that it is not discriminating against the Latino and white firefighters, when clearly it was. (Mears, 2009) However, to fully understand how the quota system is only fueling the overall amounts of reverse discrimination cases; requires that you look at series of Supreme Court and Federal Court decisions that have shaped how the law is applied

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

And you want us to say this isn't using race to decide (who should be hired) I have trouble with this argument." (Richey, 2009) What this shows, is that the quotas system was in place with the best of intentions

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

They would use one of the mechanisms (racial hiring quotas), to force various instances of discrimination to end. (Skog, 2007) However, this system would spark counter claims from the majority, who believe that these laws discriminate against them, based on the fact that someone is in the minority

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

It has been over a century, but negative gender stereotypes are still an issue that plagues the careers of many women. Gender discrimination is a global phenomenon and there are few effective steps taken in order to solve this problem (Kline, 2005)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

Gender Discrimination in the Recruitment Process Gender discrimination in a human resource context refers to the factoring of an individual's gender in the decision-making process of recruitment, selection, appraisal and compensation. It is commonplace in both Asian and Western societies for men to be chosen for more lucrative designations and higher salaries than women (Atkinson, 1997)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

Conversely, there are many cases which point towards reverse discrimination, with men complaining that the women in their firm receive greater favours and are treated more leniently -- a phenomenon perhaps in line with their stereotypical role as the "fairer sex." Over the years, there have been various laws and regulations internationally that govern the rights of an individual within a business (Warneryd, 1994)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

Organisations are responsible if their methodologies of testing and screening in recruitment are found to be discriminatory or if application forms regarding the employment seek information which is meant to screen for gender preference. A strong indicator that a company engages in a gender discriminatory practices can be derived from a comparison of recruited personnel and their qualifications (Oliverio, 1999)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

" There are two main classes of sexual harassment found in the workplace today, given different names in different cultures according to their laws and regulations. The first form of sexual harassment is the this-for-that exchange in which higher ranking managers offers their opposite sexed employee of lower rank a benefit such as a promotion or a rise in designation, authority or salary, or even threats to disassociate with the current benefits, upcoming benefits or disassociate with the job completely unless sexual favors are provided to the higher rank official (Hoffman, 1990)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

It happens when a personnel or a group of personnel of the firm repeatedly and routinely make inappropriate comments, gestures, noises as well as making undesired sexual advancement or using sex in such a degree and manner that the overall actions disturbs the target personnel's abilities to perform her routine tasks, feels highly and thoroughly intimidated or, in some cases, threatened in the working environment. Laws, rules and regulations imposed by governments throughout the world assist in protecting the rights of employees (Williams, 1992)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

"It is a practice which deeply affects the image of the company as new personnel who want to apply for job would look at this factor with a close eye and judge the organization greatly from this point-of-view." (Sims, 2003)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

Measures to End Discrimination There are many methods by which employees of any organization can stop gender discrimination or any forms of it from happening at all from the first instance at the workplace, some of these steps are as follows: "The personnel of any department of any organization should adopt the policy of zero tolerance at any sort of action which is considered as discrimination." (Costa, 1998)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

Kantian model of ethical evaluation "The Kantian model of ethical evaluation teaches us that in any sort of environment, either official or any other, we mush prohibit from certain types of actions." (Baron, 1995)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

"This made them more attractive in appearance as compared to the male employee and as a result, they often got more customers than their male counterpart." (Ridder, 1994)

Business Ethics and Gender Discrimination

"When the case was taken to the courts, it was decided by the law that this is not the case here, so the judgment came in favor of the male employee who filed the complaint. " (Bobbin, 1996) Other cases Like the cases mentioned above involving male employees being discriminated in favor of the female counterparts, there are also many cases where discrimination is observed involving the cases of same-sex harassment

Laws That Cover Employment Discrimination

In order for the applicable discrimination laws to apply there must be an employment relationship between the individual allegedly being discriminated against and the appropriate employer. Under historical common law, laws regarding employment discrimination did not exist and, therefore, the law that has developed arose out of the application of statutory enactments by the states and the federal government (Friedman, 2010)

Laws That Cover Employment Discrimination

Depending on the nature of John's complaint against his employer, his remedies can be quite prolonged and complicated. Although there are available remedies, the process is not an easy one and considerable thought should proceed the decision to ultimately seek such a remedy (Wakefield, 2004)

Discrimination Involves Classifying People Into Different Groups

External Url: http://www.alternet.org/

On the other hand, prior to the horrific events of September 11, President George Bush made some serious changes in policy when he took office. On July 24, 2003, Congress' joint intelligence panel finally released a declassified version of its inquiry into the September 11 attacks (Ackerman, 2003)

Discrimination Involves Classifying People Into Different Groups

External Url: http://www.alternet.org/

Political pressure has forced many Arab publications to fold. An ABC News/Washington Post poll on September 13, 2001 found that 43% of the respondents were more likely to be suspicious of people who they "think are of Arab descent" (Davis, 2001)