Designer Babies Sources for your Essay

Designer Babies Oh Look at

While some people make convincing arguments for this, others wonder about unintended consequences. it's time for people to decide whether we should be able to select our future children based on genetic traits, however, because the technology to do so may be just around the corner (Jonietz, PAGE)

Designer Babies the Abraham Center

Proponents might claim that human beings should be able to enhance their lives and those of their children if scientific advancements permit it. Others argue that designing a baby can help parents design their whole family, balancing a first-born female with a second-born male or vice-versa (Jakubik 2007)

Designer Babies the Abraham Center

The ethics of designer babies is questionable for several reasons. On the one hand, by removing random selection from the reproductive process the parents-to-be come dangerously close to practicing eugenics: a form of "demographic control" usually associated with racism (Thavis 2007)

Designer Babies Is an Issue That Has

After selecting the desirable characteristics, the application generates a list of donors ranked by odds. The ranking is based on the possibility of the donor's DNA to produce the desired attributes when mixed with the parents (Scott par, 2)

Designer Babies the Idea of the Designer

Opponents of genetic modification would look at the Nash case and come up with an opinion opposite to the way that proponents view the story. Bioethicist Alexander Capron (2006) wrote that "the wanted child becomes the made-to-order child" (Agar)

Designer Babies the Idea of the Designer

Those who support the process of genetic modification argue that the process's benefits far outweigh any negative possibilities. One group of proponents refers to themselves as Transhumanists (Bostrom 2007)

Designer Babies the Idea of the Designer

From creating in vitro fertilization, which allowed formerly sterile parents to have biological children, genetic engineers have continued their research to the newer technologies that create "designer babies." For people who had attempted IVF without success, a new hope emerged through the efforts of embryologist Jacques Cohen (Brownlee 2002)

Designer Babies the Idea of the Designer

Since the first scientific experiments regarding genetic engineering and scientific intervention and assistance in the making of children, the debate has raged over the morality of these "unnatural" interferences. Even early geneticists worried about the potential results of eugenics research (Carlson)

Designer Babies the Idea of the Designer

S. Survey suggests that most citizens approve of eugenics when it comes to improving the health of babies and children, as well as the elimination or treatment of genetic diseases (Kauffman 2009)

Designer Babies the Idea of the Designer

The concern is that those conceived and born without the aid of genetic engineering will become lesser beings than those "improved" through science. Biotechnology critic Jeremy Rifkin (1999) stated that, "It's the ultimate shopping experience: designing your baby…In a society used to cosmetic surgery and psychopharmacology, this is not a big step" (Lemonick 1999)

Who's Afraid of Designer Babies?

Year : 2004