Depression Sources for your Essay

Depression and Diabetes Effects of Depression and

The outdated monotherapy approach, where weight loss and low consumption of sugar are emphasized, works no more. Currently, what is advised is the sufficiency of the blood glucose levels, frequent laboratory evaluations and also attending educational programs on maintenance of diabetes (Boushey, Coulston & Rock, 2001, pg 441)

Depression and Diabetes Effects of Depression and

He became less interested and most of his activities became pointless, including allowing time with family. He lived and worked in the city but hardly visited his family (Butler & Hope, 2007, pg 286)

Depression and Diabetes Effects of Depression and

Obesity and diabetes precisely share a relationship. This is rampant in the developing countries, but developed countries are not an exception (Ostman, Britton & Jonsson, 2006, pg 282)

Depression and Diabetes Effects of Depression and

Without quick interaction with a qualified psychiatrist, most victims end up dead. (Williamson, Shaffer & Parmelee, 2000, pg 269)

Depression in the Workplace the

What are employers doing to help those suffering from depression in the workplace? The peer-reviewed literature shows a variety of responses to this health problem. One survey reports that managers with "less familiarity with depression" showed "greater reticence to seek help" (Martin, 2010); another study reflects that when depressed employees receive treatment there is "decreased sporadic absenteeism" and "productivity improvements" and "workplace savings" (Birnbaum, et al

Depression in the Workplace the

Hypothesis III: The treatment for depressed employees has a direct link to work productivity. Background / Statement of Problem: The authors (Dewa, et al

Depression in the Workplace the

Methods Employed / Procedure: The mental health centers trained clinicians specifically as to how to correctly treat depressed employees that were detected at the workplace. Over a 24-month period, the twelve centers "provided improved depression management," treating 479 depressed patients -- 326 patients of whom were either part-time or full-time employees (Rost, et al

Postpartum Depression

Women who receive support during pregnancy experience more positive mental and physical health outcomes during the labor, delivery, and postpartum periods than women who do not receive support ( Collins, Dunkel- Schetter, Lobel, & Scrimshaw, 1993; Cutrona, 1984). (Goldstein, Diener & Mangelsdorf, 1996, p

Postpartum Depression

It responds to external sounds from at least twenty weeks, and can produce its own hormonal and other stress responses from mid-gestation ( Glover, 1997). (Weissman, Markowitz & Klerman, 2000, p

Great Depression of the 1930s

There were three classes of people that were affected greatly by the depression: African-Americans, the elderly, and industrial workers (Ohanian, 22). African-Americans during the depression were the last people to be hired for any of the few available jobs, and the first to be fired when those jobs dried up (Bordo, Erceg, & Evans, 1449)

Great Depression of the 1930s

Even though such a large segment of society was affected by the Great Depression, many history texts and other literature make it sound as though everyone suffered greatly. This is not entirely true as there were many people, such as the industrial workers mentioned previously, that did not have money in the stock market and did not lose their jobs when the market crashed and the Great Depression began (Christiano, Motto, & Rostagno, 1127

Great Depression of the 1930s

People lost their jobs, houses, savings, and in some cases their lives. The suicide rate was very high due to the destruction of so many people's hard-earned financial lives, and few people could see how they were going to get past the depression and move on with their lives when everything that they were used to had been taken from them and their whole world turned upside down (Cole & Ohanian, 53)

Great Depression of the 1930s

The suicide rate was very high due to the destruction of so many people's hard-earned financial lives, and few people could see how they were going to get past the depression and move on with their lives when everything that they were used to had been taken from them and their whole world turned upside down (Cole & Ohanian, 53). There were three classes of people that were affected greatly by the depression: African-Americans, the elderly, and industrial workers (Ohanian, 22)

Great Depression of the 1930s

With the market so low and the country in a slump few people were looking to purchase houses or anything else that was relatively expensive (Ohanian, 37). Industrial workers were probably less affected by the depression than African-Americans or the elderly (Temin, 27)

Depression the Great Depression Pre-Depression Economy Summary

However, putting this in context within today's environment can provide insights into the severity of the event. Figure 2 - Comparison of Recessions (Rampell, 2010) 2

Western Civilization the Great Depression

This was a "complex plan under which agricultural exporters would receive treasure certificates representing the differences in cost of production between the United States and other nations. This plan did not call for federal buying and storing of farm products, but tried to subsidize the shipment of surpluses overseas (Byrd)

Western Civilization the Great Depression

" No True Consensus The Great Depression is still not understood clearly. "Economists have offered many theories for both the massive decline and the slow recovery of output during 1929-39, but no consensus has formed on the main forces behind this major economic event (McGrattan)

Western Civilization the Great Depression

This TFP decrease is much larger than just extrapolating the TFP decrease that typically has occurred during postwar U.S. recessions (Ohanian)

Treating and Preventing Clinical Depression

Americans, however, are far from alone. Globally, 37% of lost life years due to disease have been attributed to mental illness (Insel, 2011)

Treating and Preventing Clinical Depression

The prevalence of depression in society therefore depends on contributions from both environmental and genetic factors. This would explain why individual responses to antidepressant medications vary widely, which in turn suggests that the brains of persons suffering from major depression have incurred equally diverse changes (Keers & Uher, 2012)