Democracy Sources for your Essay

Is Our Representative Democracy Healthy Today?

The perforations don't always break completely, causing computer misreads. According to one report, it may take ten years to replace all the punch-card voting machines in the country because of manufacturing limitations (Drinkard, 2001)

Is Our Representative Democracy Healthy Today?

Clinton and Spector have predicted that it would be a difficult bill to pass for that reason (Glassman, 2001). The second issue, campaign finance reform, has received new interest since the fall of Enron and the subsequent revelation that Enron contributed heavily to many individuals' political campaigns (Ellperin & Dewar, 2002)

Is Our Representative Democracy Healthy Today?

It seems unlikely that they will act against their political interests in that way. Clinton and Spector have predicted that it would be a difficult bill to pass for that reason (Glassman, 2001)

Judicialization and Democracy an Issue

Their objective was, "Establishing a common market and an economic and monetary union to promote throughout the Community a harmonious, balanced and sustainable development of economic activities." (Stivachtis, 2007, pp

Democracy in the United States What Type

The United States is a constitutional democracy, based on a Constitution and a Bill of Rights created when American was fighting Britain for independence. In fact, experts call the United States the world's oldest constitutional democracy (Mueller 3)

Democracy in the United States What Type

First, to discuss democracy it is better to define democracy. "Democracy" comes from the Greek work "demos" which means "the common people," and "kratia" which means, "power" (O'Neil 149)

Democracy in the United States What Type

Another analyst notes, "Perhaps, for example, the long litany of political tragedies and scandals since the 1960s (assassinations, Vietnam, Watergate, Irangate, etc.) has triggered an understandable disgust for politics and government among Americans" (Putnam 240)

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

Globalization and Democracy "Some argue that [democracy and globalization] go hand in hand -- that unrestricted international transactions encourage political accountability and transparency and that politically free societies are least likely to restrict the mobility of goods and services. Others argue that democracies, in which special interests that suffer from foreign competition have voice, are more likely to have closed markets and vice versa" (Eichengreen, et al

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

The bad news, Smith continues, is that "a flailing Americanism may exact a horrific cost in human lives" (209). Global Governance and Democracy A group of prominent scholars and policymakers are presenting the idea that "global governance" (an apparent product of the politics of globalization) is "inherently undemocratic" simply because it tends to undermine "popular sovereignty" (Goodhart, et al

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

In concluding, Goodhart explains that while globalization is not easy to define in simple terms, at a "minimum it connotes increasing global interdependence," which, when aimed towards a more democratic world order, can only be a good thing (1055). The English School Andrew Linklater describes the English School as an approach to international politics (from the distinctly British perspective) that embraces the idea that sovereign states do form a society, but that society is "an anarchic" society in that the citizens do not have to bow down to a "higher power" (Linklater, 2009, p

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

Everything has gone Global: But has Democracy been left behind? With the fall of the Berlin Wall, new horizons, new hopes, and new markets were to open up in a democratic world. This was the "…unchallenged victory of the market and democracy," writes Yves Meny, professor at the European University Institute in Italy (Meny, 2010, p

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

Meanwhile Dr. Joachim Karl Rennstich -- an associate professor of political science at Fordham University -- uses the extended evolutionary world politics (EWP) framework to show that globalization is "essentially evolutionary" and indeed has roots going back to 900 BCE (Rennstich, 2006, pp

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

S. invasion of Iraq (and failure to win over the people) with the British brief control over Iraq in the 20th century as examples of how "astonishingly naive" both nations were to assume the Iraqi population would "cede national control to an invading power that breathes the flames of imperial ambition" (Smith, 2005, p

Globalization and Democracy \"Some Argue

The History of Globalisation -- Why it Matters UCLA Professor David Wilkinson presents an essay in the book Globalization and Global History that puts an historic and contemporary perspective on the concept of globalization that, in a scholarly way, sets the record straight. The most poignant issue he raises at the outset -- after pointing out that globalization is "an enlargement" of "human social progress" or alternatively globalization is an expansion of "human-driven ecological processes" -- refers to processes and time (Wilkinson, 2006, p

Taxes, Direct Democracy and Federalism

As a result, the recall was justified for failing to use the powers of his office to address challenges that are adversely impacting the public. (Aronson, 2003) Search online news sources to find at least two (2) examples of direct democracy at work in your state or in one of the states around you

Taxes, Direct Democracy and Federalism

While; not imposing such a burden to hurt economic growth throughout the region. (Lambert, 2009) Consider the following taxes (cigarettes, sales, inheritance and income)

Taxes, Direct Democracy and Federalism

The dictator is supposed to be the individual who will steer society towards these objectives by: redistributing wealth and moving in the direction of this goal. (Runciman, 2010, pp

Taxes, Direct Democracy and Federalism

In each situation, the voters are directly expressing these views at the ballot box. ("2012 Puerto Rico Statehood Amendment," 2012) (Walker, 2012) Name an issue that, in your opinion, requires direct democracy right now

Taxes, Direct Democracy and Federalism

As a result, most people will instinctively have no motivation to do more. (Wolf, 2005) This assumption is valid

Judicial Review and Democracy the

This means it can overturn laws passed by Congress or actions taken by the Executive Branch that are unconstitutional" ("Judicial Review/Marbury"). However, "the Constitution does not expressly provide for judicial review" (Linder)