Deadly Force Sources for your Essay

Police Use of Deadly Force

485). According to these authorities, "Perhaps the most influential policy on the use of force is the Model Policy developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)" (Alpert & Smith, p

Police Use of Deadly Force

367). According to Hall (1999), there is an overarching need for clear-cut guidance to help police officers know when and where they should or should not use deadly force: "The critical nature of law enforcement decisions regarding the use of deadly force demands the clearest possible guidance with respect to the legal standards controlling the officers' actions" (Hall, 1999, p

Police Use of Deadly Force

As one police officer puts it, "Americans have been both drawn to and repulsed by deadly force since municipal police officers started carrying firearms in the 1850s. Psychologists would tell us that this is so because at some deep subconscious level humans are both drawn to and repulsed by violence of any sort" (Klinger, 2004, p

Police Use of Deadly Force

8). The extent of the issue is not insignificant either, with approximately 600 criminals being killed by police officers every year (Russell & Beigel, 1999)

Assessing the Use of Deadly Force by Police Officers

SIX: The Conciliation Approach: The strategy of "conciliation" brings members of the minority community together with law enforcement in order to create better police-minority relations. "An effective police-minority relationship can contribute to the reduction in incidents of excessive police force" (Frazier, 2002)

Assessing the Use of Deadly Force by Police Officers

¶ … Deadly Force by Police Top Ten Ways to Reduce the Use of Deadly Force by Law Enforcement Officers While the media tends to portray law enforcement's use of lethal force as excessive and widespread, the empirical data shows a very different picture. According to research by the FBI, officers exercised restraint "…in deadly force in 93% of the situations where they legally could have fired their weapons" (Pinizzotto, et al

Assessing the Use of Deadly Force by Police Officers

FOUR: Lasers: It is well-known that directing a laser into the eyes causes temporary blindness; why not equip officers with laser technology for use as an alternative to lethal force. FIVE: Less-lethal technologies: Lasers are among other technologies like "electro-muscular disruption technology" and non-lethal chemical agents that disable the suspect (Schultz, 2008)

Deadly Force

Rarity of Officer-Involved Shootings Officer-involved shootings are reported to be rare since the rules that govern the use of firearms by police officers allow the police officer to shoot in only two types of circumstances: (1) when they have reasonable belief that their life or the life of another innocent person is in imminent danger; and (2) to effect the arrest of felons ?eeing from the scene of violent crimes." (Klinger, 2005, p

Law Enforcement the Use of Deadly Force

Since the stop took place in Tennessee, another test applies. The Criminal Appeals Court in Knoxville recently addressed the issue of whether the smell of marijuana was sufficient probable cause to conduct a warrantless search during a routine traffic stop (Tennessee v. Brown 2005, 4)

Deadly Force

Year : 1983

A Case of Deadly Force

Year : 1986

Deadly Force

Year : 1980

Devilish Fear Deadly Force

Year : 2015

The Use of Deadly Force

Year : 2016