Copd Sources for your Essay

COPD Teaching Plan and Healthcare

These interventions will enable the patient to improve his/her quality of life and deal with complications that may arise from time to time because of the disease. Step 3 - Synthesize Best Evidence: People are likely to develop COPD because of exposure to risk factors like smoking, environmental triggers, probable genetic factors, and indoor pollutants (Weinhold, 2006)

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

1999). Moreover, these lung patients exhibit a lower finger-tapping speed than OSAS patients (Abramson et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

Studies have shown conclusively that home oxygen therapy, nocturnal or continuous, is effective in treating cor pulmonale or in postponing its onset. Continuous 24-h/day oxygen therapy is the desired goal in most patients, because desaturation occurs during both sleep and physical activity (Bates, 1989)

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

It should be noted, however, that research on higher attentional (executive) dysfunction should be guided by sound theoretical neuropsychological models of attention. This is especially important in sleep disorders characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, since it is well-known that sleepiness, as a result of sleep deprivation and/or sleep fragmentation, has significant effects on cognitive function (Besag, et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

II. Explanation of Underlying Pathophysiology Manual dexterity was found to be impaired in moderate to severe OSAS patients (Brillinger, 1986), but not in mild to moderate patients (Kim et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

A number of patients with nocturnal hypoventilation and sleep apnea may present with personality changes, mild systemic hypertension, and headache. Abdominal pain may be present if bowel edema results from venous hypertension (Engleman & Joffe, 1999)

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

Amantadine prophylaxis for unimmunized individuals during an influenza epidemic can prevent or attenuate this potentially fatal infection. Instruct the patient to contact health care providers at the onset of upper respiratory tract infection symptoms (Hurd, S

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

II. Explanation of Underlying Pathophysiology Manual dexterity was found to be impaired in moderate to severe OSAS patients (Brillinger, 1986), but not in mild to moderate patients (Kim et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

Chest pain could be connected to right ventricular ischemia. Cough and complaints of uncomplicated fatigability are common (Ghosh, et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

(1986) also found lowered psychomotor speed in mildly sleep-disordered breathing. Interestingly, a relationship between hypoxaemia and reduced complex perceptual motor and simple motor performance has been repeatedly demonstrated in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients (Jones et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

Tranquilizers, sedatives, and narcotics should be avoided in unstable patients and patients with hypoventilation. Short-term ventilator stimulants may be useful in some cases of decreased ventilator drives, although nasal CPAP has become the first choice in most cases of sleep apnea (Kahn & Raftery, 1996)

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

However, it should be kept in mind that performance on part B can never be evaluated without taking into account the performance on task A. In other words, an underlying impaired basic process, such as in part A, can be responsible for a deficit in part B (MacEachren et al

COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Year-Old

RIGHT-SIDED HEART CATHETERIZATION Right-sided catheterization is the only technique available for the direct measurement of PAP, PA wedge pressure, and cardiac output. It is occasionally important in differentiating cor pulmonale from left ventricular dysfunction when the clinical presentation is confusing (Pierson, 2006)

How a Family Copes With COPD

However, the psychosocial consequences of COPD remain largely untreated." (Blumenthal, et al

How a Family Copes With COPD

Dysponoea is described as "a very complex phenomenon, with patients experiencing a mix of physiological, psychological, social, environmental and behavioral responses. Therefore, it follows that successful treatment of dysponoea should not be restricted to bronchodilators or other physiological interventions" (Kelly and Lymes, 2008, p

How a Family Copes With COPD

Signs that the depression stage has been entered include: (1) isolation of self from others; (2) difficulty concentrating when away and difficulty sleeping at bedtime; (3) spending less time sleeping or other solitary activities and avoiding social contact; (5) feeling apathetic or numb and lacking the capacity for joy; (6) emotions are on a hair trigger, laughing too loud and crying too easily; and (7) experiencing low energy. (MacNaughton, 2009) Blumenthal et al

How a Family Copes With COPD

Researchers have discovered that COPD patients are "significantly less satisfied with life, less socially active, and more disabled than persons with coronary artery disease, and have a lower mental health status than persons with peripheral vascular disease." (Boyle, 2009 p

How a Family Copes With COPD

It emphasizes: (1) defining and assessing the relational context in which disease management takes place; (2) including the family environment and other family members as potential targets for intervention; (3) addressing the educational, relational, and personal needs of the patient and other members of the family; (4) viewing the disease not as a series of acute episodes, but as an ongoing process that requires continuity of care between the health care team and the family; and (5) including the patient and other family members as part of a comprehensive program of outcomes assessment." (Fisher and Weihs, 2000, p

COPD Scenario Jack Little Is a 59-Year-Old

Patients with a low pH, are said to be "acidemic." (Luks, nd, p

COPD Scenario Jack Little Is a 59-Year-Old

Rationale of Medications and Mechanisms of Action, Adverse Effects and Potential Drug-Drug and/or Patient-Drug Interaction The patient was prescribed (1) amoxycillin with clavulanic acid, (2) inhaled salmeterol and (3) inhaled ipratropium. Amoxycillin with clavulanic acid was prescribed due to moderate exacerbation which includes presence of microorganisms plus inhaled salmeterol and inhaled ipratropium" (Prosser and Bollmeier, nd, p