Content Analysis Sources for your Essay

Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

There are many challenges associated with handling nuclear waste, and these may be playing a role in the diminishing importance of nuclear power around the world. There are numerous studies that have been carried out to examine the handling of nuclear waste in relation to the development of this industry (Vandenbosch&Sussane, 2007)

Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

The carbon output of nuclear power, especially when the life cycle approach is taken, is not insignificant, and there are unknown variables (Fthenakis & Kim, 2007). In the UK, people have become more accepting of wind power, but that aesthetics, and not a logical analysis of energy policy alternatives, is the driver of public perceptions about wind power (Warren et al

Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

The occurrence of some major disasters in the nuclear power industry does not necessarily imply that nuclear power is not a viable form of energy. Something like Deepwater Horizon has not necessarily had any impact on public perception of fossil fuel consumption, but Fukushima appears to have affected public perception of nuclear power (Wittneben, 2012)

Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

The apparent linking of the concept of nuclear energy and the concept of nuclear holocaust has an interesting effect on energy policy where nuclear power is concerned, and that is one of the underlying motivators behind this paper. Public policy choices are assumed to be driven by the needs of the public (Wolsink, 2010)

Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

The apparent linking of the concept of nuclear energy and the concept of nuclear holocaust has an interesting effect on energy policy where nuclear power is concerned, and that is one of the underlying motivators behind this paper. Public policy choices are assumed to be driven by the needs of the public (Wolsink, 2010)

Qualitative Content Analysis on the Use of Nuclear Power

Furthermore, there are people who object specifically to nuclear power being a factor in green energy solutions. Though it has been demonstrated to be the most effective means of mitigating climate change, nuclear power is simply not viewed either as "green" or as renewable by many (Wustenhagen&Bilharz, 2006), which may be a causal factor for why publics in many countries do not necessarily view nuclear power as an acceptable climate change solution, even though the evidence says that it is