Content Analysis Sources for your Essay

Mass Media Representations of Crime and Deviance a Content Analysis

Neil believed the piece to be a forgery, what sociologist Edwin Sutherland referred to as a "white-collar crime;" or a "crime that people of respectable and high social status commit in the course of their occupations." (Henslin, p

Gangsta Misogyny: A Content Analysis

Armstrong explores the prevalence of misogynistic lyrics in gangsta rap, analyzing the genre through a sampling of music that is representative of the genre. Armstrong argues that a key element contained in "hate speech" is the "understanding that people do things with words, that speech acts assault their victims" (Armstrong, 2)

Gangsta Misogyny: A Content Analysis

Armstrong explores the prevalence of misogynistic lyrics in gangsta rap, analyzing the genre through a sampling of music that is representative of the genre. Armstrong argues that a key element contained in "hate speech" is the "understanding that people do things with words, that speech acts assault their victims" (Armstrong, 2)

Gangsta Misogyny: A Content Analysis

Kubrin explores the factors that influence the lyrical content of gangsta rap music. Kubrin argues that "street code" is a product of "neighborhood processes," but neglects the influence of popular culture that may reflect, reinforce, or advocate street-code norms (Kubrin, 361)

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

Writing in 1998 in "Coming Out in the Age of the Internet: Identity 'Demarginalization' Through Virtual Group Participation," they were able to note the way in which gays had adopted the Internet early and strongly to establish a virtual community -- but chose as their point of comparison to marginalized sexual identities the virtual community-building efforts of those with marginalized ideological identities, including hate groups and even anti-gay hate groups. Bargh and McKenna are simply looking for appropriate points of comparison, and so they are willing to consider conspiracy theorists, "area 51" and alien cover-up enthusiasts, as well as "groups on the topic of White supremacy, citizen militias, and the cultural group skinheads" (Bargh and McKenna) "Coming Out" 690)

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

Writing in 1998 in "Coming Out in the Age of the Internet: Identity 'Demarginalization' Through Virtual Group Participation," they were able to note the way in which gays had adopted the Internet early and strongly to establish a virtual community -- but chose as their point of comparison to marginalized sexual identities the virtual community-building efforts of those with marginalized ideological identities, including hate groups and even anti-gay hate groups. Bargh and McKenna are simply looking for appropriate points of comparison, and so they are willing to consider conspiracy theorists, "area 51" and alien cover-up enthusiasts, as well as "groups on the topic of White supremacy, citizen militias, and the cultural group skinheads" (Bargh and McKenna) "Coming Out" 690)

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

Writing in 1998 in "Coming Out in the Age of the Internet: Identity 'Demarginalization' Through Virtual Group Participation," they were able to note the way in which gays had adopted the Internet early and strongly to establish a virtual community -- but chose as their point of comparison to marginalized sexual identities the virtual community-building efforts of those with marginalized ideological identities, including hate groups and even anti-gay hate groups. Bargh and McKenna are simply looking for appropriate points of comparison, and so they are willing to consider conspiracy theorists, "area 51" and alien cover-up enthusiasts, as well as "groups on the topic of White supremacy, citizen militias, and the cultural group skinheads" (Bargh and McKenna) "Coming Out" 690)

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

Writing in 1998 in "Coming Out in the Age of the Internet: Identity 'Demarginalization' Through Virtual Group Participation," they were able to note the way in which gays had adopted the Internet early and strongly to establish a virtual community -- but chose as their point of comparison to marginalized sexual identities the virtual community-building efforts of those with marginalized ideological identities, including hate groups and even anti-gay hate groups. Bargh and McKenna are simply looking for appropriate points of comparison, and so they are willing to consider conspiracy theorists, "area 51" and alien cover-up enthusiasts, as well as "groups on the topic of White supremacy, citizen militias, and the cultural group skinheads" (Bargh and McKenna) "Coming Out" 690)

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

Meanwhile DiMaggio et al. do another broad scale survey of where research has focused and they that "an increasing body of literature suggests that the Internet enhances social ties…often by reinforcing existing behavior patterns," (DiMaggio et al

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

" This category correlates to a much greater likelihood to use the internet to seek information about politics or to pursue political activity (one of the many categories they assembled data for). (Howard and Rainie, 395) It is important to note at the outset that my focus is predominantly on social psychology

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

" Kraut Patterson et al. employed longitudinal data for the purpose of analyzing the social psychology of users, by examining effect of Internet use on not just social involvement but also overall psychological well-being, and found (in the paradox that gives them the title of their study) that "greater use of the Internet was associated with declines in participants' communication with family members in the household, declines in the size of their social circle, and increases in their depression and loneliness" (Kraut Patterson et al

Social Psychology of Hate Groups Content Analysis

real-world differences in social organization -- and the ones most important to consider alongside any consideration of how online hate groups differ from their real world counterparts -- are the strength of the bond (which is debateable), and the selectivity that permits informational feedback loops of people agreeing with each other. As for the debatability of the bond, it speaks to the power of the Internet that McKenna and Green's laboratory study found undergraduates liked each other more following an Internet compared to a face-to-face meeting: their focus is on the idea that the Internet can allow certain people to "better disclose their 'true' or inner self to others on the Internet than in face-to-face settings" (McKenna and Green 9)

Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

In the case of corporate banking, there are number of products / services that the firm is concentrating on these include: financial markets, raising new working capital, research, structural finance, industry expertise and research. (Commonwealth Bank 2012) At the same time, the bank is offering customers the ability to log into their accounts online 24 hours a day

Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

External Url:

While the Business banking segment, is concentrating on a number of areas to include: business cards, day-to-day banking, investments, insurance, finance / loans, industry analysis, research and corporate banking. (Give More Take Less 2012) To reach out to a larger demographic of customers, NAB is concentrating on offering their various products and services through: Facebook, You Tube along with Twitter

Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

The way that this is accomplished is through working with staff members to establish principals that will become a part of the company itself from the top management all the way down. (Marketing and Advertising Tips 2011) In the case of Commonwealth Bank Australia, they are focused on reaching this objective by having more personalized service and doing more for their customers as part of what they have to offer

Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

This is the point that they will be more successful in attracting larger amounts of assets. (Bradley 2006) In the case of Commonwealth Bank Australia, the firm is focused on promoting this to everyone by showing the history and traditions of the company

Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

This is the point, that they can begin more effectively reaching out to everyone through: the products and services that they are promoting. (Daigaic 2006, pp

Content Analysis of Banking Web Site Commonwealth Bank in Australia

Over the course of time, this allows a firm to maintain their competitive advantage by effectively reaching out to customers in comparison with others inside the sector. (Ferrell 2011, pp

Qualitative Content Analysis of the Use of Nuclear Power

This researcher (author) assumes based on the admittedly imperfect science that is available that there are no major long-term issues with nuclear power. Some of the waste created by nuclear power has a half-life of 1000 years, while some other waste has a half-life of a million years (Alic, 2012)

Qualitative Content Analysis of the Use of Nuclear Power

7% by 2020, as that energy will be replaced by carbon. The current trend of decreasing nuclear capability, therefore, is a blow to efforts to mitigate climate change and for the affected countries to meet their carbon emissions reduction guidelines going forward (Bauer, Brecha & Luderer, 2012)