Confucianism Sources for your Essay

Confucius & Business Management Confucius and Confucianism

Confucius had a great concern for education, and so historians say he started a school -- but it was not at all like schools today. For one thing, only young men could attend, not boys, and not girls (Bledsoe, 1999)

Confucius & Business Management Confucius and Confucianism

Overcoming obstacles and helping people to overcome failures Confucius' universal virtues, when followed, can help people -- and certainly today's business managers and leaders are included in this category -- to overcome obstacles. First of all, his golden rule (written well before the "golden rule" in the Bible) is a good first virtue for a person managing a department store, or a small printing company, to adhere to: "What you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others" (Dominguez, 2004)

Confucius & Business Management Confucius and Confucianism

One of his more poignant and profound works is called the Analects (Lun Yu), in which his teachings -- and some of his sayings as well as memorable sayings of his disciples -- are to be retrieved. "The Analects is regarded as the most influential Confucian text" (Gard, 1999), and though it is not a continuous story, it covers brilliantly and succinctly the areas of virtue, moral cultivation, education, music and government

Confucius & Business Management Confucius and Confucianism

. " "The injuries done to you by an enemy should be returned with a combination of love and justice Confucius Confucius was among the earliest political and philosophical thinkers; and though he actually lived in the 5th Century BC, his impact and his vision have made a profound impression on the Chinese population, and upon all well-read, intelligent and informed peoples throughout the world for approximately 2,300 years (Mitter, 20043)

Confucius & Business Management Confucius and Confucianism

, anyone can make mistakes, but it takes a quality person to want to correct that mistake, and show others he or she can correct the mistake with grace]. If further evidence is needed as to the influence of Confucian thought, in China today, "more than 2 million children are enrolled in programs teaching Confucian classics" (Mooney, 2002)

Confucius & Business Management Confucius and Confucianism

But gradually it will have an impact on their thinking." And in conclusion, what did Confucius mean when he wrote, "to know is to act knowledge"? He was likely referring to "moral and reverential behaviors" (Whittemore, 1999)

Mohism and Neo-Confucianism the Interest

The Moist school was under the philosopher Mo Tzu (479-438 B. C) and was mostly based on his doctrines of righteousness (Chan, p

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Different Models of Supervision Examined Reports state that models of social work supervision are "differentiated by levels of agency control." (Shadbush, et al

Is Confucianism a Religion?

Postmodernity urges us to detach ourselves from assuming the universality of categories such as religion and to instead see them as constructs produced in a culturally-specific manner. Confucianism offers a different concept of religion as an ethical system which values propriety, tradition, education, and filial piety (Prothero 102)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

g. actions between global consumers with different goals and belief systems), (Alvesson and Karreman; Locke)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Models that both leader and subordinate, or client and coach, agree to in terms of expectations. The ability to evolve dynamic learning environments that can be individualized to different goals (Cortes, 2012; Locke, 2007)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

True, leadership is, in part, decision making at the nth level; while coaching takes that decision making and often compartmentalizes it into split-second action. In the era of gloablization, theoretical decision making this has become even more critical now that there are so many divergent cultural opportunities that require new skills, approaches, and even that allow coaching to occur not just in the physical environment, but in the virtual as well, with no regard for geographic or political boundaries (Drucker, P

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Yet, this broad view of the subject does not fit well with quantitative documentation of a rigid, scholarly nature. From the perspective of upper management at the multinational or mega-corporation level, corporate Leadership is not an end in of itself, but rather a safety valve for internal pressures and a way to disseminate organizational challenges (Edmondson and McManus, 2007)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

In many ways, this view has been termed "the dark side" or organizational behavior, or the shadow role. This is mean to describe a more censored approach to any attempted regulation of cognition and emotion, conscious or unconscious, in which the mode of expression simply does not "fit" with accepted cultural or group normative behaviors (Fitzgerald and Oliver, 2006)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Within this sample there may be a large range of individuals, but there is clearly less cohesion and theoretical agreement. Instead, though, we find that it would be more appropriate to study organizations that are more conducive to observation and measurement and that can fit in an appropriate scholarly theory (Locke, Van Maanen, et al

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Researchers in divergent fields, too, can then use data in their own research, and be confident. Finally, using a systematic approach keeps as much research bias out of the study and provides a way for peers to review the results objectively (Lockshin, 2007)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Academic research, however, is more systematized in collecting and analyzing the data. While requirements of research may vary between disciplines, and some may prefer qualitative or quantitative methodologies, multidisciplinary research on entrepreneurship should follow at least six basic guidelines in order to be robust: 1) Contribute to the development of new theories or innovative approaches to theory; 2) Be based the scientific method and rules of data collection; 3) Build upon past studies and contribute to the future of the field; 4) Be objective; 5) Allow for appropriate levels of extrapolation; 6) Be valid, reliable and reproducible (McCaig & Dahlberg, 2010; Edmondson and McManus), One of the singular problems we find when looking at research from a multidisciplinary approach, as in entrepreneurship and education, is that there needs to be a set of basic assumptions to ensure validity across disciplines

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Thus, the basic research method accepted by scholars is: 1) form a valid hypothesis that is appropriate for the subject matter; 2) design a method of experimentation that will help uncover unknowns; 3) use data appropriately and analyze that data using accepted means, and; 4) formulate a result and/or need for further research. This forms the basis of measurable research, but within the social sciences does not necessarily guarantee universal acceptance of the data (Van Maanen, et al

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

) within the situation. It assumes that there is validity in subjective interpretation and are focused on how individuals understand and actualize events and settings (Whittington, 2011)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Theories and Models Because there are so many models dealing with leadership, most experts believe that the success of failure of the model is dependent upon the personality traits of both the leader and staff. All in all, the best approach is likely to be one in which different theories are placed in a tool box, combined in many different ways, and then certain aspects used to promote the particular activity or improve the situation (Wildflower & Brennan 2011)