Conformity Sources for your Essay

Conformity and Obedience in Group

The influence is traced to landmark literary programs between the 1960s and 1970s initiated by social psychologists. The approaches include Milgram's Authority Obedience concept and the Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo (Hergenhahn & Henley, 2013)

Conformity and Obedience in Group

However, many students became uncomfortable due to the experiment. Each participant stopped to question the experiment (Latto & Latto, 2008)

Conformity and Rebellion

obedient and those who follow their own mind! Only one kind of daughter can live in this house. Obedient daughter!" (Tan)

Individualist vs. Conformity

For example, Mahatma Gandhi spent two years in jail during his fight for rights and independence from British rule in India. During this time, he read Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience," and later acknowledged it helped prompt his own idea of "passive resistance" (Brower 6-7)

Individualist vs. Conformity

At one point Jean says, "JEAN: [interrupting him] I'm just as good as you are; I think with all due modesty I may say I'm better. The superior man is the man who fulfils his duty" (Ionesco 7)

Individualist vs. Conformity

conformity, and even wrote an essay titled "Civil Disobedience" regarding the rights of individuals to speak out against societal wrongs. He wrote in his essay, "I was not born to be forced" (Thoreau 60), and this could be the battle cry for any non-conformist

Social Pressure on Social Conformity

¶ … Social Pressure on Social Conformity Even before the conclusion of the Nuremberg Trials a decade and a half after the end of World War II, psychologists began studying the concept of moral responsibility in relation to obedience to help shed understanding into the Nazi atrocities committed during the war years. What had seemed so incomprehensible about the network of more than one thousand concentration camps in which approximately 10 million civilians (more than half of them European Jews from Germany and Nazi-occupied territories) perished was the apparent contradiction between the characteristics thought necessary for cold blooded killers and the sheer ordinariness of the German people (Baron & Byrne, 1993; Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2008; Myers & Spencer, 2004)

Social Pressure on Social Conformity

Even beyond the circumstances involving a gender-integrated contemporary military, the integration of women into the modern vocational environment raises very similar questions about gender and the influence of group consensus on the individual. Recent corporate fiascos such as the collapse of Enron and Tyco exhibited fundamental lapses in moral conduct of highly-skilled but otherwise ordinary businessmen and women motivated largely by group think and the coercive effects of dysfunctional, controlling, manipulative, and punitive organizational cultures (Tourish, 2005)

Social Pressure on Social Conformity

More recently, Zimbardo testified before Congress in connection with the prisoner abuses perpetrated by members of the United States Armed Forces at the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility in Iraq. According to Zimbardo, in many respects, the real-world events at issue in that case paralleled the results of his controversial Stanford Prison Experiment conducted in a makeshift prison in the basement of the Stanford University Psychology building more than three decades earlier (Zimbardo, 2007)

Social Pressure on Social Conformity

More recently, Zimbardo testified before Congress in connection with the prisoner abuses perpetrated by members of the United States Armed Forces at the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility in Iraq. According to Zimbardo, in many respects, the real-world events at issue in that case paralleled the results of his controversial Stanford Prison Experiment conducted in a makeshift prison in the basement of the Stanford University Psychology building more than three decades earlier (Zimbardo, 2007)

Conformity and Obedience Beyond Conscious Awareness Influences

Conformity and Obedience BEYOND CONSCIOUS AWARENESS Influences of Conformity and Obedience The Concepts of Conformity and Obedience Compared Obedience is a form of social influence in which a person of authority makes a direct command to someone to perform something (McLeod, 2007)

Conformity and Obedience Beyond Conscious Awareness Influences

Their ties or the lack of these or societal norms have been weakened by society's own corruption (Douglas Jack, 1998 as qtd in Mupukwa). # BIBLIOGRAPHY Blessing, M. (2012)

Conformity and Obedience Beyond Conscious Awareness Influences

The experiment positively connotes that persons will modify their behavior or thinking if given new identities and adequate social and institutional support (Robert). Analysis of a Group of Contemporary Studies This is a group of 19 experiments, conducted in the early 80s at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands (Meeus & Raaijmakers, 1995)

Conformity and Obedience Beyond Conscious Awareness Influences

Their indifference to the suffering of a third party-victim explains this (Meeus & Raaijmakers). Analysis of Influences to Deviation from Social Norms Deviance is commonly understood to mean non-conformity to a given set of norms accepted by a significant number of people in a society (Mupukwa, 2009)

Conformity and Obedience Beyond Conscious Awareness Influences

A team of researchers, led by Psychology professor Philip Zimbardo, conducted the Standard University prison experiment in August 1971 with the funding of the U.S. Office of Naval Research (Robert, 2012)

Conformity and Obedience Beyond Conscious Awareness Influences

Key studies on conformity were conducted by Sherif in 1936, Asch in 1951 and by Fein, Goethals and Kassin in 1998. Bickman and Milgram conducted the key studies on obedience in 1974 and 1963, respectively (Southerly)

Conformity Gender and Conformity Has

This set of characteristic may also lead to norms also associated with social roles and job classifications that tend to frame women's responsibilities in more nurturing and caring ways. (Belansky, and Boggiano 647-648) Conversely: According to Eagly and Crowley (1986), men develop skills to help people in heroic ways based on the jobs males typically occupy or expect to occupy

Conformity Gender and Conformity Has

helping that was more heroic or more chivalrous was exhibited more often by young men than young women, whereas helping embedded in a relational context was exhibited by young women more than young men." (Carlo, and Randall 34) it was also noted that adolescent boys tended to exhibit more pro-social behavior in public than did adolescent girls, leading to the possibility that boys may have also have more of a tendency to conform to normative behavior in public

Conformity Gender and Conformity Has

Women may be especially motivated to maintain the positive affect of others, or to at least limit the negative affect. (Daubman, and Sigail 75) This tendency towards conforming to the group may also be the basis behind the psychology of eating disorder in young adolescent women attempting to conform to the norm

Conformity Gender and Conformity Has

.[shame] seems to have a particular resonance in work on teenage girls and the body"(Frost 81) This shame is brought about by the dominant male social orientation and religious an cultural conviction that woman's body's are shameful