Concept Analysis Sources for your Essay

Nursing and Concept Analysis

It can also be used in clarifying ambiguous concepts in the process of theory development. Concept analysis can also be used to determine the attributes and characteristics that will be utilized in coming up with the tools of measurement in the process of developing a theory (Botes A, 2014)

Nursing and Concept Analysis

It is most useful in cases where the condition may have more than one interpretation for instance fever. It is divided into 11 step-by-step format which ultimately aims at providing the optimal and evidence-based care to the patients (Thompson H.J., 2008)

Stress: Concept Analysis Should President\'s

In accounting for the different types of legislatures, it is essential to first identify the other arms of the government that influences formation of public policies. Each arm of the government is entitled to different political power, and, this is where the concept of separation of powers comes in (Pfiffner, James and Roger 251-253)

Health Concept Analysis Health From

Isn't it a good idea for a nation to try to secure a healthy situation for its children? That seems obvious, but politics can change logic into confusion, in many instances, and healthcare is no exception to that general rule. A story in the Los Angeles Times (Alonso-Zaldivar 2007) ("Bush ready to veto children's healthcare bill") indicates that, President Bush will likely veto healthcare legislation approved by the Congress

Health Concept Analysis Health From

Politicians cannot be expected to act responsibly or prudently when it comes to the health of a nation. Meanwhile, an article in Nursing Education Perspectives (Carlton, et al

Health Concept Analysis Health From

It goes without saying that health and nurse are almost synonymous; when a patient in a hospital needs attention, it's a nurse that responds; and when visiting a medical clinic, before seeing the doctor - or in lieu of seeing a doctor - the individual in need of care puts his or her situation into the hands of a nurse. A scholarly article by Jeremye Cohen (Cohen, 2006) is very relevant in social and economic terms, since hospitals and other healthcare facilities are not going to be able to operate at full strength if they begin losing nurses to retirement - and cannot recruit sufficient replacements

Health Concept Analysis Health From

This paper has discussed health code violations at fast food restaurants, where millions of Americans eat daily, and are at risk of getting fat or ill. But what about those who actually eat at McDonald's and Burger King and Taco Bell and Wendy's? What about their health? The International Journal of Obesity (French, 2001) conducted an empirical study of fast foot restaurant use among adolescents, and their findings are very interesting, as well as pertinent

Health Concept Analysis Health From

Scientists believe that many great civilizations declined because the health of the people was injured by disease, lack of food, or bad living habits." Synonyms. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus (Kipfer, 1992) (p

Health Concept Analysis Health From

3. USES of the CONCEPT of HEALTH: Dictionary Definition: Oxford Universal Dictionary (Little, 1933) (p

Health Concept Analysis Health From

com/dictionary/health):"Health (N) Etymology: Middle English helthe, from Old English h[AE]lth, from hAl; 1 a: the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit, especially: freedom from physical disease or pain; b: the general condition of the body 2 a: flourishing condition: WELL-BEING b: general condition or state 3 a: a toast to someone's health or prosperity." Dictionary Definition: Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary: (McKechnie, 1977) (p

Health Concept Analysis Health From

By receiving a blood transfusion or blood products "is extremely low and has become progressively lower, even in geographic areas with high HIV prevalence rates," according to the CDC. In addition to fears of HIV, there is also the worry of a person getting hepatitis through contaminated blood; but the National Institutes of Health (NIH) assert that "today, thanks to improvements in screening donors and their blood, the rate of transfusion-associated hepatitis at NIH has dropped to virtually nothing" (McManus 2000)

Casual Dining Concept Analysis

I believe that this is important. According to Costello, "the customer is a bundle of feelings influenced by the treatment received from the service personnel" (Costello, p

Casual Dining Concept Analysis

Chain restaurants tend to offer consistent dining experiences, so that a person can anticipate the level of quality and service he or she will receive at the restaurant. However, as restaurant chains grow, they often lose touch with their roots: "the more the priorities of the management seem to shift from taking care of its patrons to serving the needs of owners and stockholders" (Marvin, N

Concept Analysis of the Word Compliance

Obviously, a variety of psychosocial factors determine individuals' reactions to illness, and, consequently, their reactions to the recommendations and advice given." (Falvo, 2004) Falvo relates that the individual who fails to adhere to a prescribed regimen oftentimes has reasons for this failure including economic reasons

Concept Analysis of the Word Compliance

" Uses and Definitions of Compliance in Literature 1. Therapeutic alliance - a collaborative model in which the client's and family's voices are heard and their concerns addressed but the involvement of patient and family is not a reflection of equal power nor does it prevent the clinician from making appropriate although disputed decisions based on superior knowledge and clinical expertise (Hummelvoll, 1996; Treisman, 1997)

Concept Analysis of the Word Compliance

Pfister-Minogue (2007) reports that studies have demonstrated that an interactive patient education approach, incorporating many of the factors that influence compliance, is successful in influencing patients to follow health care advice." This approach is one that is stated to require "a consistent, concerned, nonjudgmental, supportive relationship with the patient…" (Pfister-Minogue, 2007) Pfister-Minogue (2007) states that increased compliance has the potential to "…save health care dollars, and nurses facilitating this are a valuable asset

Concept Analysis of the Word Compliance

This work intends to examine and analyze the issue of patient compliance. (Stone, et al

Concept Analysis of the Word Compliance

Studies have shown that when patients are involved in the decision-making concerning their health care plan and health treatment that the patients are much more likely to be complaint to the specified regimen of treatment. (Wilson, et al

Violence a Concept Analysis of Lateral Violence

The article, in the service of providing a thorough overview of its selected subject, engages in "an extensive review of literature through Health Source, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), ProQuest health, and Medical Complete [which] was used to determine agreement and disagreement across disciplines and emerging trends." (Embree & White, p

Concept Analysis Using Walker and Avant

The defining attributes of Henderson's 14 Basic Needs include nursing, person, and care. Nursing is defined in a "functional manner," such as by assisting individuals in participating and pursuing health-promoting activities ("Key Concepts," n