Complacency Sources for your Essay

Complacency and the Fall of

For within those eras and movements are the seeds of the troubles we face today." ~Jim Nelson Black (Anderson, 2002) Is America really headed for an apocalypse? Wild stories abound about the world ending in 2012, about a vast conspiracy among the most elite to wipe out the crowding masses in a "great culling," about the powerful being saved and the poor perishing

Complacency and the Fall of

Even men are becoming increasingly concerned about their looks, with more and more men turning to plastic surgery and eating disorders (Boghosian Arden, 2003). The media teaches Americans to worship beauty as power, no matter the price and no matter how artificial the final product may be (Anelauskas, 1999)

Complacency and the Fall of

" How can people get really angry about the state of affairs if they have a "Coke and a Smile" around every corner? Anyone can stroll into their doctor's office and get a prescription for the latest anti-depressant as long as they know the right "passwords," and one of the side-effects of anti-depressant medications is "numbness" (Rose, 2009). Needing a "fix" in order to get through the day is now considered normal; people who don't drink coffee or eat junk food are often ridiculed by coworkers for being "health nuts" (Boghosian Arden, 2003)

Complacency and the Fall of

Yet something must change in America before it crumbles like so many morally vacuous empires have before. This nation is now controlled by greed, prestige, power, and false beauty (Editors, the Economist, 2011)

Complacency and the Fall of

She pleaded guilty and her accomplice was found guilty after trial." (Elikann, 1999, p

Complacency and the Fall of

3) These examples reflect a growing moral numbness in America, an alienation from conscience, a culture where violence and sociopathy have become as good at selling video games, television, and movies as sex. The Decay of the Family Statistics on the state of family life in America are just as disturbing, reflecting generations of children growing up "deprived not just of resources, but of hope and nurture, of principles and values" (Kemp, 1995)

Complacency and the Fall of

This sense of "entitlement to addiction" is really an "entitlement to apathy." How can people get really angry about the state of affairs if they have a "Coke and a Smile" around every corner? Anyone can stroll into their doctor's office and get a prescription for the latest anti-depressant as long as they know the right "passwords," and one of the side-effects of anti-depressant medications is "numbness" (Rose, 2009)

Complacency and the Fall of

So what do Americans do to fill that void? They take on another addiction -- which leaves them feeling even emptier -- and the vicious cycle begins. Some activists even claim the result of living in such a morally-vacuous, alienating, consumer-driven culture is an entire nation suffering from "a collective wounding" (Shaw, 2008)

Complacency and the Fall of

Today, children grow up in the culture of Facebook and Twitter, cell phones and texting, where the "most popular wins" and that popularity has nothing to do with genuine friendship or genuinely virtuous personality traits. People have become commodified like everything else, and use one another as stepping stones to social power (Twitchell, 2002; Goff & Fleisher III, 1999)

Employee Health and Safety: Complacency

In addition, the problem relates to legal issues: Gangmasters exploit illegal immigrants by providing them with low-paying work opportunities in order to make more profits. A BBC report (Casciani, 2005) on the same incident relates to the legislative consequences of the deaths

Employee Health and Safety: Complacency

Being desperate for income, these persons then sell their services at any price offered. Furthermore, their fear of legal ramifications discourages them from asking questions or raising concerns about safety (Marston, 2006 & Pai, 2006)

Employee Health and Safety: Complacency

2. Literature Survey The literature suggests that stress particularly is a widely recognized health hazard for workers worldwide (Skews, 2006) the reason for this is that stress is not only a workplace phenomenon, but is also a significant factor in other areas of life, such as personal and family affairs

Employee Health and Safety: Complacency

2. Literature Survey The literature suggests that stress particularly is a widely recognized health hazard for workers worldwide (Skews, 2006) the reason for this is that stress is not only a workplace phenomenon, but is also a significant factor in other areas of life, such as personal and family affairs

Organizational Transformation Overcoming Complacency and

Assessing Cincom's Process Areas Most in Need of Redesign When complacency begins to pervade cultures, it eventually leads to a lower standard of performance becoming the norm and a lack of urgency to improve. Empirically derived research suggests that for any organization to pull out of a spiral caused by complacency, external stakeholders including development, financial and technology-based partners must contribute to re-invigorating the firm (Chowdhury, Lang, 1996)

Organizational Transformation Overcoming Complacency and

Customers may be either internal or external to the firm. The cross organizational boundaries; that is, they normally occur across or between organizational subunits," (Davenport, Short, 1990)

Organizational Transformation Overcoming Complacency and

The revolution is based on the pervasive adoption of Web 2.0 technologies as the foundation of social networking applications (O'Reilly, 2005), Figure 1, Web 2


Year : 2015