Chemistry Sources for your Essay

Symmetry in Inorganic Chemistry Molecules Are Often

The symmetry element associated with the inversion operation is a point, or the center of the molecule through which the atoms are moved. The overall molecule responds to symmetry operations in a manner that is captured by the behavior of the particular group to which the molecule belongs, individual atoms, bonds, atomic orbitals and any other component of the overall molecule may respond to symmetry operations in a variety of ways (Avetisov and Goldanskii)

Symmetry in Inorganic Chemistry Molecules Are Often

For example, if a benzene molecule were rotated by 60, 120, 180, 240 or 300 degrees about it's principle axis of rotation, the molecule will be left in an identical configuration with respect to the initial one. Any molecule said to have C2v symmetry (or to "belong" to the C2v point group) will have these and only these same symmetry elements present, and will share a number of properties that can be predicted using the principles of symmetry and group theory (Kitaev et al

Symmetry in Inorganic Chemistry Molecules Are Often

There are five symmetry operations and elements. These are identity, rotations and rotation axes, reflections and reflection planes, improper rotations and improper rotation axes, and inversion and center of inversion (Mann)

Database Search for Biochemistry Breakthroughs

Opinion sources are those that evaluate the current data and interpret it. All three of these sources are vital to ensure an ideal research background in a topic (Fraenkel, 1993)

Database Search for Biochemistry Breakthroughs

Database Search for Biochemistry Breakthroughs With Celiac Disease When using database tools to determine up-to-date information on a health topic, it is essential to know how to search. In general, there are three types of articles to consider, primary articles are those that present new research and are found in medical journals (McMillan, 2010)

Anti-Depressants -- Brain Chemistry the

As a result of these discoveries, the earlier amine hypothesis which stated that "an abnormally low level of norepinephrine caused depression," was greatly revised and led to a new hypothesis that depression is regulated by a complex interplay of several chemical circuits in the brain. Currently, "it is thought that the interplay of activity among all the systems is disrupted in depression" (Davis, 1984, 156)

Anti-Depressants -- Brain Chemistry the

Excess cortisol can directly alter brain function and the brain's natural balance of chemical messengers known as neurotransmitters. In addition, "the hypothalamus which regulates hormone secretion, produces and releases small proteins (peptides) that act on the pituitary gland at the base of the brain" (Dunn, 1989, 67)

Anti-Depressants -- Brain Chemistry the

However, the fundamental biochemical effect of antidepressants on the brain that is responsible for their benefit remains a mystery. It is thought that the change in neuroamine signaling at the synapse caused by anti-depressants "may set off a cascade of events involving second messenger systems that eventually results in the improvement of the symptoms of depression" (Enna, 1991, 187)

Anti-Depressants -- Brain Chemistry the

Unlike the tricyclics, these new anti-depressants have little direct effect on norepinephrine in the brain; instead, they block the re-uptake of serotonin which gives this class its name, sometimes referred to as SSRIs. As with the tricyclics, the effect of serotonin in the synapse seems to occur at the receptors, and there is some evidence that "serotonin is actually the more important neurotransmitter in the treatment of depression" (Kendler, 1992, 720)

Healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry

Various enzymes and body chemicals are required to transform food into energy. A healthy diet has numerous healthy effects on human body including disease resistance, appropriate energy balance, and normal functioning of all body organs (Papadopolus, 2008)

Healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry

A number of case control studies confirm the tendency of reaction and interaction of vitamins. Exercise: A healthy human being requires an appropriate balance of physical, physiological, and mental capabilities in order to perform its natural functions (Sladyk & O'Sullivan, 2010)

Healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry

Nutrition: The nutritious value of food is dependent on multiple factors including the quality, quantity, preparation process, and consumption. The chemistry of nutrition can also be defined in terms of the food composition (Willett, 2012)

Physical Chemistry Notes Website: Pomona

What makes physical chemistry so exciting is its attempt to explain, ta the most basic level, the way our universe behaves. or, to put it another way, "chemistry carried out with the primary object of investigating the workings of nature is what we now call physical chemistry" (Laidler, 5)

Chemistry at Work. Every Facet of Our

The ones with the highest atomic numbers (total number of protons or electrons in the atoms) are created in laboratories and have brief existences. About twenty are radioactive -- and the harm their intrinsic energies can wreak was in evidence in Hiroshima and Nagasaki towards the end of Word War II (Hachiya, 1945)

Chemistry at Work. Every Facet of Our

These form inorganic compounds. In addition, elements like metals form compounds from inorganic bonds (Lee, 1999)

Chemistry at Work. Every Facet of Our

These form inorganic compounds. In addition, elements like metals form compounds from inorganic bonds (Lee, 1999)

Chemistry at Work. Every Facet of Our

The (-) denotes a single bond. Each carbon atom is attached to four other bonds (Morrison & Boyd, 1983, p

Chemistry Pharmaceutical-Based Cancer Treatment Cancer

LSD came into being within a systematic research program, and the "accident" did not occur until much later: when LSD was already five years old, I happened to experience its unforeseeable effects in my own body - or rather, in my own mind." (Hofmann, 36) The research proposed here would further investigate the invents surrounding this discovery, the chemical implications of its impact on the human cerebral cortex and the connection between Hofmann's intended pharmaceutical work and his eventual revelation

Chemistry Pharmaceutical-Based Cancer Treatment Cancer

But the tremendous market power of biofuel corporations, coupled with the poor political will of governments to regulate their activities, make this unlikely." (Holt-Gimenez, 2) These ulterior motives of the above-mentioned biofuel companies will enter into the discussion as the research process advances and will be illuminated with the interest of scrutinizing ethanol for the inefficiency of its production process

Chemistry Pharmaceutical-Based Cancer Treatment Cancer

Varma says Blueprint will use genomics and novel chemistry to develop such drugs in a more systematic way, targeting a broader range of molecular mistakes." (Singer, p