Casey Anthony Sources for your Essay

Cases of John Deutch and Casey Anthony Case

There was also Ms. Anthony's apparent ambivalence towards her responsibility as a parent in favor of living out the phrased tattooed on her body, "Bella Vita" which translates from Italian to "Beautiful Life" that she actually got while young Caylee Anthony was missing and several other circumstantial facts (Mann, 2011)

Casey Anthony so Many People

The forensics community commonly recognizes that, "in general, the significance of an mtDNA sequence match is dependent on the case in question, and the type of mtDNA involved. In only a restricted set of circumstances can mtDNA matching be considered definitive evidence of identification" (Holland & Parsons, 1999)

Casey Anthony so Many People

Arpad Vass, a forensics expert with significant experience in decomposition, was able to determine that the smell coming from Anthony's trunk had the same compounds as those found in the early stages of decomposition of a human body, but could not conclusively state that the odors were caused by the decay of a human corpse. Vass himself acknowledged some of the weaknesses of these investigative techniques (Vass, 2001)

Prosecuting Casey Anthony

Year : 2013

Casey Anthony: An American Murder Mystery

Year : 2017

The Casey Anthony Trial

Year : 2011

Nancy Grace Reacts to Casey Anthony Verdict

Year : 2011

Defending Casey Anthony

Year : 2012

Beyond the Headlines: The Casey Anthony Story

Year : 2013

Real News: Casey Anthony

Year : 2012