Cardiovascular System Sources for your Essay

Effects of High Blood Pressure on the Cardiovascular System

This results in a build up of fluid in the lungs. Myocardial infarctions (heart attack) can be a consequence of hypertension (Black)

Effects of High Blood Pressure on the Cardiovascular System

This type results in your heart muscle becoming more rigid. Resulting complications may result from each of these myopathies, including blood clots, heart arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest (Giles)

Effects of High Blood Pressure on the Cardiovascular System

The effects of high blood pressure on the arterial system will be examined first, followed by a discussion of the effects of high blood pressure on the myocardium. Hypertension and the arterial system High blood pressure accelerates hardening of the arteries and arterioles, leading to an increased incidence of atherosclerosis along with increased calcium deposits in the coronary arteries (Lu et al

Effects of Aging on the Cardiovascular System

Consider experiences relate bases power, coercive power, reward power, legitimate power, expert power, referent power. The cardiovascular system: The effects of aging To fully understand the effects of aging on the human cardiovascular system, the fundamental structure of the heart must also be comprehended The heart has two sides: the right which enables the body to excrete carbon dioxide by sending blood to the lungs so they can receive oxygen and the left which "pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of body" (Dugdale 2010)

Cardiovascular System Functions of the

Cardiac Cycle The following figures (5 & 6) portray atrial systole, ventricular systole and diastole, tachycardia, bradycardia. Pic in other file being sent Figure 5: Cardiac Cycle (Cardiac Cycle, 2006) Pic in other file being sent Figure 6: The Cardiac Cycle (Cohen, 2005) CARDIAC CYCLE Although the right and left halves of the heart are separate, they both contract in unison, producing a single heartbeat

Cardiovascular System Functions of the

"(Rh Factor, 2008) q) the general term used to describe an inherited blood clotting disorder is haemophilias. (Kay, 1972/1998) r) What are plaque deposits on the walls of blood vessels mainly composed of? A s) Why can polycthaemia potentially cause a heart problem? Rh Factor

Cardiovascular System Functions of the

The connective tissue of the subendocardial layer binds the endocardium to the cardiac muscle of the myocardium. (Krause, 2004, p

Cardiovascular System Functions of the

Oxygen it's transported by the red blood cells from an individual longs to his/her other body cells. (Wright, 2000, p

Cardiovascular System in a Positive

Keeping fit greatly reduces your risk of medical problems and injuries," and continues, "Longevity is not a static entity. By staying fit, you maximize your chances of having a long and vigorous life" (Biller, 2002, p

Cardiovascular System in a Positive

Studies show "Exercise can also be used in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and can decrease mortality and morbidity rates. This aggregate body of research substantiates the importance of engaging in a habitual exercise regimen" (Glaros & Janelle, 2001, p

Cardiovascular System in a Positive

These doctors note, "This would appear also to be the case in understanding the relationship between reactivity and aerobic fitness. One of the consequences of aerobic-exercise training is a reduction in resting heart rate and blood pressure" (McCabe, Schneiderman, Field, & Wellens, 2000, p