Boston Massacre Sources for your Essay

Boston Massacre Is Often Described

"Bostonians James Otis and Samuel Adams earned reputations as two of America's leading rebels. Otis popularized the saying "Taxation without representation is tyranny!" (Fradin, 2009) These taxes forced the occupation of additional British troops (2000) to support quell any violence should it erupt

Boston Massacre Is Often Described

"On Monday evening the 5th current, a few minutes after 9 o'clock a most horrid murder was committed in King Street before the Customhouse door by 8 or 9 soldiers under the command of Captain Thomas Preston, drawn off from the main guard on the south side of the Townhouse." (Tudor, 2009) However, the actual violence has been described to have commenced by young boys throwing snow balls at British sentry commanded to serve

Boston Massacre

Year : 2011