Benefits Of Exercise Sources for your Essay

Benefits of Exercise and Diabetes

However, the researchers made up for this by tracking the influence that dietary advice did have in conjunction with the type of exercise advice given. They found that "physical activity advice is associated with lower HbA1c, but only when combined with dietary advice," (Umpierre, et al

Health Benefits of Exercise

There is now sufficient proof that there are several physical and psychological advantages which are available from having regular exercises which should be accepted by all those who are involved in health care. (Fentem, 1291) A wide range of exercises can make up the basic exercise regimen of an individual, and this may include gardening, walking, and dancing

Health Benefits of Exercise

A feeling of psychological well being would be ultimately achieved, and this would make the individual feel good about himself and about his entire physical body. (Heyward, 3) Of late, however, there is an increasing awareness of all the benefits that exercise would bring into a person's life, and a Gallup survey revealed that while a decade ago, not many women would exercise with weights, today, about 15% of women do use weights in their exercise regimen, and quite a few aerobics classes use weights for their training

Health Benefits of Exercise

Physical inactivity is one of the main reasons for the onset of cardiovascular disease, and if there is a minimum of thirty minutes of moderate exercise everyday, then the risk would be considerably lowered. (Leutholtz; Ripoll, 22) Stroke can be prevented, and also diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and many other moderate and high risk diseases

Health Benefits of Exercise

When he is able to score a forty or more on the activity index, it would mean that he is indeed active enough to be able to earn most of the benefits that are associated with exercise. (Sharkey, 8) Today, in the United States of America, there is a high level of inactivity, even though the previous generations were a vigorously active people of farmers, miners, road workers, laborers, and loggers

Health Benefits of Exercise

It was during the 1980's that researchers found that moderate exercise would ensure the well being and the health of the individual, and that expending about 1000 calories a day would bring about the desired results. (University of California at Berkeley, 233) Exercise and the effective management of disease are interconnected, and today, this fact is also being widely recognized and accepted