Basketball Sources for your Essay

Ex-Basketball Player by John Updike Analyzes a

In "Those Winter Sundays," Hayden takes a look at the relationship that a child has with his father and the unspoken sacrifices and duties that have been undertaken by his father. The poem begins with "Sundays too my father got up early/and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold" to make sure that the house would be warm for when his family woke up (Hayden, 1966)

Ex-Basketball Player by John Updike Analyzes a

The layout of the street echoes the movements a basketball player. Like a basketball player would maneuver a basketball court, traversing from one side to the other, stopping to decide his next move before finally taking a shot, "Pearl Avenue runs past the high-school lot,/Bends with the trolley tracks, and stops, cut off/Before it has a chance to go two blocks,/At Colonel McComsky Plaza" (Updike, 1993)

Coaching the Louisville Cardinals\' Men\'s Basketball Team

"His field goal percentage is up from 41.4% as a junior to 46.4% as a senior" (Cassilo 2014)

Coaching the Louisville Cardinals\' Men\'s Basketball Team

Louisville has had its ups and down this season. For example, after coming back from his gruesome leg break in the Duke semifinal, Kevin Ware was forced to 'redshirt' the entire season after getting kicked in his injured leg (Goodman 2014)

Coaching the Louisville Cardinals\' Men\'s Basketball Team

Coach Rick Pitino has retained the loyalty and affection of his players. Thanks to Pitino's coaching it is said that "for the third year in a row, the Cardinals appear to be peaking at the perfect time" (Himmelsbach 2014)

Coaching the Louisville Cardinals\' Men\'s Basketball Team

The team has been much-followed by its fans and this is reflected in the price of their game tickets. In their upcoming game against Memphis, the average ticket price was $125, "more than twice the average Tigers ticket…and pricier even than any Memphis Grizzlies NBA game this season" (Lintner 2014)

Coaching the Louisville Cardinals\' Men\'s Basketball Team

Pitino's style has remained so consistent throughout his career -- a constant half-court press -- even his former players from his earliest days as a coach say it is relatively unchanged: "Around the country, from New York to Texas to California, former players and assistants watch his team's games and are transported back more than 30 years, with the only obvious difference, they say with a knowing laugh, being the quality of his players. They can predict a particular pressure unfolding before it does" (Shpigel 2013)

Basketball Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Basketball

The sport does not exist in a vacuum but is instead a multifaceted system that encompasses the games that take place within the league, the marketing of the professional basketball players by different companies, and the marketing of the players by the players themselves. The success of professional basketball players from poor families, such as Michael Jordan and Isaiah Thomas, has led to the creation of a myth whereby basketball can take black youths from the urban ghetto to the public spotlight (Dubrow, adams, 2010)

Basketball Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Basketball

Current and recent research has shown that there are in fact specific qualities that lead to superior success on the basketball court. Specifically, it has been shown that pre-performance routines are integral for success (Lonsdale, Tan, 2006)

Basketball Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Basketball

An effect of the commercialization of basketball is that professional basketball players are marketed as images of glamour and financial wealth, which may inspire youths to pursue the sport. By and large, basketball players are adopted as role models through a combination of their style of play (and resulting success) and the way that they market themselves and are marketed (May, 2009)

Basketball Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Basketball

The issue is therefore a sensitive and divisive one. The research has shown that perfectionism generally has two different effects; the first involves striving for perfection, while the other consists of negatively reacting to imperfection (Stoll, Lau, Stoeber, 2008)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

Television as a broadcast medium is ideally suited for creating a very broad, highly effective educational strategy. Research into the effectiveness of video marketing indicates that response rates are often in significant double figures, often being as high as 49% or more in some cases (Aoki, 1999)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

Further, the ability of the league to enable consumer identity formation through this process further underscores the value of analytics and market intelligence (Hackley, Tiwsakul, 2006). These strategies have been so effective, teams that had been nearly bankrupt due to natural disaster decimating their communities have seen a rejuvenation, with New Orleans showing the greatest progress of all following Hurricane Katrina (Apostolopoulou, Biggers, 2010)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

A year, with the majority spending over $150 per ticket to attend a single game (Ross, 2007). Apple reports that the single most-watched live sport on their best-selling iPad is NBA playoff basketball games (Apple Investor Relations, 2012)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

The role of social media in any experiential marketing strategy must be predicated on audience participation that is so convincing that it inspires AIDA to be attained in a marketing strategy (Bernoff, Li, 2008). Further, the role of social media can create the strongest of fall links between those evaluating an experientially-driven brand and those that choose to become an active audience (Basheer, Ibrahim, 2010)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

As Napoli (2010) has contended in his analysis, the greater the level of egalitarian basis of communications, the greater the clarity and precision in changing audiences, transforming them from passive spectators into absorbed identifiers or fans. Assessment of the NBA's Marketing Activities The NBA is one of the most forward-thinking sports leagues globally in how they use educational strategies to capture passive spectators, turning them into absorbed identifiers and eventually an active audience (Berman, Down, Hill, 2002)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

And one in Canada. Of the many sports leagues that exist in North America, the NBA, founded in 1964, is considered to have the most affluent fan base, media revenues and licensing revenues of all North American professional sports leagues (Caudill, Mixon, 1998)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

The NBA as a provider of experiential events must strive for consumer identity formation quickly and sustain it through the transformation of passive spectators to absorbed identifiers. The consumer identity formation process varies by type, content and duration of entertainment options for the consumer; creating a profitable base of absorbed identifiers is key to making this transformation successful (Hackley, Tiwsakul, 2006)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

These attributes of venues are defined by Sayre (2008) for entertiainmentscapes are also evident in NBA standards for venues. The NBA requires configurability for their facilities to support international broadcasting equipment as well (Mongeon, Winfree, 2012)

National Basketball Association Marketing in

What has been particularly effective for the league's marketing strategies is the emphasis on the egalitarian nature of media across all platforms today, specifically the role of Web 2.0 social media channels (Napoli, 2010)