Artist Sources for your Essay

Artistic Technique as an Expression of the Modern World

White Light (1954) is the perfect illustration of Pollock's methodology and plays an important role in the evolution of modern art. Pollock's White Light also gives the illusion of contour and form, such as Kandinsky would effect in his paintings, which Paul Johnson would describe as "fashion art," except that it was more than merely "fashion art"; according to Johnson, Kandinsky's work was "fine art," because it was made with care and precision -- every line, every shape painted with deliberation (Johnson 666) to express a cohesive and unified "spiritual" vision

Graphic Work of a Renaissance Artist

The pellet shall be colorful and choice of color shall be careful, depicting the nature's call for highlighting each contour and facial expression of the artist within me. The attire will present pictorial sense for the amateurs, who shall see my work while a collector shall witness the proportion and geometric perfection of the human form sketched on the paper (Ashcroft, 2012)

Graphic Work of a Renaissance Artist

Painting a self-portraiture will depict the original strength of humanity and celebrate the liberty of nature. This obvious monogram will not only discern me as a true artist from any other person but in fact it will depict the true form of humanization (Koerner,1993)

Graphic Work of a Renaissance Artist

The responsibilities that lay on my shoulders seem more pronounced now for I shall have to act as an instigator to art amongst my people. Shall I be able to bring the enough aesthetic sense required by my work or my art shall go unnoticed? My artwork will perhaps reach the autonomous form like that of Martin Schongauer, for I intend to bring in Italian splendor to my innate compassion towards art (Wisse, October 2002)

Black Artist During the Colonial Period

These figures represent an ideal of man or womanhood, embodying not only physical perfection, but social, moral and intellectual achievement. Spirit spouse sculptures can be seen as a kind of opposite sex alter ego and are a fascinating case of the use of art in Africa for individual psychological relief (Vogel 1997, 36)

Edward Hopper: Notable Artist of the 20th Century

These elements are largely present during any interpretation of Hopper and are consistently explored. As one critic illuminates, Hopper's paintings generally offer -- a unique image of the lone woman, riddled with nostalgia and containing a certain haunting quality against a dark color scheme which suggest the otherness of everyday life and marching forward progression of the passage of time (Bow-Bertrand, 2014)

Edward Hopper: Notable Artist of the 20th Century

Thus, much of Hopper's work is seen as the individual looking into the void and loneliness of urban life, an urban life that continues to march on. As one other critics describes, Hopper's paintings offer a hyper level of quiet to everyday life, riddling it in a level of stillness and freezing them in an eternal present, as if they were engravings or otherwise frozen, also weighted down by the psychological intensity of existence (Smith, 2013)

Great Artists of the Late 20th and Early 21st Century

The first was empiricism (knowing through the senses) which gradually evolved into scientific empiricism or modern science with the development of modernist methodology. The second epistemological approach of this period was reason or logic" (Hoffman 1)

Salvador Dali Artist\'s Life and

One critic comments, "The Surrealists were a group of artists who sought to explore an inner reality beyond the rational world of the sense. Influenced by the psychoanalytic theory of their contemporary, Sigmund Freud, Surrealist painters often used symbols to portray bizarre, dreamlike landscapes" (Basquin 33)

Salvador Dali Artist\'s Life and

] Its' threatening green sky, gnarled bones, and putrefying flesh, is a ghastly tableau of death. The grimacing face contains no eyes or tongue" (Shaw-Eagle 1)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

She did just that. Although she was already 40 years old when first establishing her name, Graham become one of the supreme innovators of the twentieth century (Campbell)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

The result was a new form of dance-play that did not lose any of the importance of dance but rather enhanced it in a way never accomplished before. Modern dancers strived to carve out a new kind of cultural event, using the theatrical conventions of ballet performances, but deriving the meaning of their work in initiating a more active participation of the audience (Foulkes 131)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

" Graham transformed two areas of American dance: First was classical ballet that dated back several hundred years and included prescribed body positions, defined geometrical relationships among the dancers and, most of all, precision. Second were the folk dances of Asia, Africa and native America, which had long been considered popular art or craft forms instead of high art (Gardner 266)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

There are times of complete frustration; there are daily small deaths. (Graham)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

. more and more and more was stripped and stripped away" (Jowitt 40)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

When she was two years old and sitting in the Presbyterian Church with her parents, she began pirouetting up the aisle to the organ music. She made her theater debut in the high school comedy "Prunella (Kendall 158)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

She developed about 200 dances, a repertore of astonishing breadth and enormous power, often with herself at the center as a dancer. However, Graham was never content to be the only one driven and fanatical: Dancer Stephen Hodes once said with affection and admiration, "If she felt you were resistant when she was creating, she'd go at you like a savage animal" (Perron)

Artist Famous Contemporary Dancer

Her dances "Immediate tragedy" and "Deep song" were about this war, displaying sympathy for Spain and commitment towards social relevance. The working man in Depression America was another theme (Wheeler 38)

Artistic Propaganda During the French Revolution

"He was given a starring role by David in his famous picture of the Tennis Court Oath which led to the formation of the National Assembly in June 1789." (Beales 2003, p

Artistic Propaganda During the French Revolution

"At the outbreak of the revolution in 1789, the liberal David initiated the epic Oath of the Tennis Court to celebrate the defiance of royal authority." (Grafton, Most, & Settis 2010, p