Antisocial Personality Disorder Sources for your Essay

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

When any sort of traumatic events take place in the life of a person, this creates a problem in the normal development of the central nervous system that in turn leads to a disturbed pattern of hormone production. Researchers have discovered a number of neurotransmitters that might have a role to play in the development of ASPD in an individual, and one of such hormones is serotonin (Black, 2011)

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

Even though many researchers believe that such types of lab measures are only artificial and do not have much to do with the actual experience, many studies have shown the validity of this approach in distinguishing the violent people from the ones who are relatively non-violent; but both of them have ASPD. It was established through studies that the male parolees who were convicts of violent felonies demonstrated a greater degree of aggressiveness according to the Point Subtraction AggressionParadigm as compared to the people who were labeled convicts of non-violent felony's assaults (Cherek et

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

Even though many researchers believe that such types of lab measures are only artificial and do not have much to do with the actual experience, many studies have shown the validity of this approach in distinguishing the violent people from the ones who are relatively non-violent; but both of them have ASPD. It was established through studies that the male parolees who were convicts of violent felonies demonstrated a greater degree of aggressiveness according to the Point Subtraction AggressionParadigm as compared to the people who were labeled convicts of non-violent felony's assaults (Cherek et

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

Even though many researchers believe that such types of lab measures are only artificial and do not have much to do with the actual experience, many studies have shown the validity of this approach in distinguishing the violent people from the ones who are relatively non-violent; but both of them have ASPD. It was established through studies that the male parolees who were convicts of violent felonies demonstrated a greater degree of aggressiveness according to the Point Subtraction AggressionParadigm as compared to the people who were labeled convicts of non-violent felony's assaults (Cherek et

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

According to a literature review of the year 2002, a study on the mental disorders that developed in the prisoners concluded that 47% of the male prisoners, meanwhile 21% of the female prisoners had ASPD. Likewise the prevalence of this disorder is seen to be greater among the people who are addicted to alcohol or any other drug (Fazel and Danesh, 2002)

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

Other programs are also being recommended for the treatment of these patients that include the residential programs. These programs are designed to provide a controlled environment for supervision of these patients along with peer confrontation (Gabbard and John G, 2000)

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

Most of these people with violent behaviors have the tendency to commit the same kind of crime over and over again (What is Felony Assault? 2013). Socio-Cultural Influences With regard to ASPD, the socio-cultural perspectives are viewed differently since there is a different kind of influence of the cultural aspects on these people as compared to those who are suffering from a different mental disorder (Lock, 2000)

Individuals With Antisocial Personality Disorder Frequently Lack

Likewise the prevalence of this disorder is seen to be greater among the people who are addicted to alcohol or any other drug (Fazel and Danesh, 2002). A direct link has been established between people who are dependent on alcohol and who develop this disorder (Moeller and Dougherty, 2006)

Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

Along with hallucinations and delusions, a person with schizophrenia could exhibit other symptoms, such as: disorganized speech, extreme negativity, and disorganized and catatonic behavior (Bengston, 2001). Research has indicated at as much as 30% of those with schizophrenia cases attempt suicide -- with around 10% after a period of time (Abdel-Baki, 2011)

Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

Yet when it all comes down to it, the three differ through a number of symptoms, causes, and severity. Schizophrenia is a problem within the individual, one who mostly exhibits "unusual behaviors" (Bengston, 2001) that may disrupt the day-to-day activities of said individual or those around the individual's environment

Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

These individuals tend to be most known for their lack of empathy and failure to adhere to social conventions. The symptoms for this disorder usually run along the lines of dissociation (Bowins, 2010), with the individual's lack of regard for others (APA, 1994)

Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is also another disorder that dissociates a person from the rest of the community. However, unlike APD, BPD mostly deals not with empathy, but with an individual's self-image and interpersonal relationships (Grohol, 1994)

Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

While psychiatric evaluation and psychological therapy are suggested treatments, group activities are also recommended in order to immerse a person with APD into society. Furthermore, research also suggests that the use of moral reasoning and cognitive behavioral approach (Hesse, 2010) can help develop empathy within a person with APD

Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder

A person with BPD is usually impulsive and has a tendency toward self-mutilation, whereas a person with APD tends to lean toward harm to others without empathy. Some known symptoms include abandonment issues, identity crises, unstable interpersonal relationships (Presniak, 2010), suicidal behavior, and emotional instability (Grohol, 1994)

Antisocial Personality Disorder

It is caused by psychosocial, biological and cultural influences. Individuals with ASPD often have had a harsh childhood, especially in their earlier years of life, which has impaired their ability to trust adults (Kaylor, 1999)

Antisocial Personality Disorder

The Washington Sniper, the Green River Killer Dr. Harold Shipman, and Bundy are some of the serial killers that have been linked to ASPD (Lerner & Lerner, 2005)

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Societies are preoccupied with criminal behavior and there are studies and researches undertaken by scientists in all the behavioral sciences in order to find the right solution for what became society's problem: persons with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Adolescents, who became the target of numerous such studies, have been followed by subjects in their childhood years, once scientists agreed that there is a "link between early childhood behaviors and later adulthood outcome" (Sampson, 1992, p