Anthropology Sources for your Essay

Sociology and Anthropology

These factors will highlight the kinds of approaches that were used by the Europeans and the long-term impact of colonization. (Ciment, 2007, pp

Sociology and Anthropology

This gave many Africans the ability to flourish under this system by closely allying themselves with the British. (Foster, 2002, pp

American Anthropology

The nahual can also be the animal representation of a god. Throughout Mesoamerican prehistory, there have been animals like the serpent, the eagle, or the bat, which have been revered and given special merit, associated with one another and with human beings, effectively bestowing upon them nahuales status (Bernal 1969: 98-99)

American Anthropology

At the heartland of their civilization, off the Gulf of Mexico coast near the Yucatan Peninsula, many examples of Olmec artwork have been discovered. These artworks have revealed that the Olmec people were quite familiar with their jungle companions and incorporated them into their mythology on a rather frequent basis (Coe 2002)

American Anthropology

This figure has come to be known by its distinctive "snarling mouth, toothless gums or long, curved fangs, and even claws," almond-shaped eyes, fleshy lips, and a cleft forehead (Coe 2002: 64). While originally, scholars believed that the "were-jaguar" was linked to a religious mythology surrounding the story of copulation between a male jaguar and a female human, other radically different notions of the "were-jaguar" have recently surfaced in addition to disputes over the validity of the interpretation of the so-called copulation scenes themselves (Davis 1978)

American Anthropology

Were-Jaguar as Toad Mother The V-shaped cleft on the top of the head of the "were-jaguar" and also its toothless mouth (save the fangs sometimes depicted) has inspired a different interpretation of this creature by Peter Furst. Furst has asserted that this creature is not human at all, bur rather, the Earth Mother Goddess "in her manifestation as a jaguar-toad" (Furst 1981: 149)

American Anthropology

The stressed facial features of the effigy may represent a crying child in pain due to urethral failure, infection, and other symptoms correlated with such congenital abnormalities. While the cleft forehead has been previously accepted to represent the "longitudinal furrow formed by the loose folds of skin on the scalp of the adult male jaguar" (Murdy 1981: 864), this cleft, Carson Murdy argues, could be the result of fusion failure of the bones in the skull caused by cranium bifidum or a mlifactorial neural-tube defect

American Anthropology

Throughout Mesoamerican prehistory, there have been animals like the serpent, the eagle, or the bat, which have been revered and given special merit, associated with one another and with human beings, effectively bestowing upon them nahuales status (Bernal 1969: 98-99). "The physical and symbolic associations between large predatory cats, warfare, and pre-eminent social status are particularly evident in Mesoamerica, where images of felines, feline-like creatures, and humans with feline attributes, apparel, or accoutrements, are found in a number of chronologically and spatially separated cultures" (Saunders 1994: 104)

American Anthropology

It is thus no shocking discovery that they were honored and worshipped for their power. Stylistically, it can be argued that the features of the "were-jaguar," such its feathery eyebrows, are actually the crests above the eyes of crocodilians and the V-shaped cleft on the head is "derived from the cleft between a crocodilian's orbit eyes" (Stocker 1980: 752)

Notion of Culture in Anthropology

Tylor described culture as a complex whole that incorporates law, beliefs, custom, knowledge, art and other abilities or habits acquired by an individual as part of a society. Tylor's definition has acted as the foundation of the notion of culture in anthropology since anthropologists have refined and expanded on this definition (Bonvillain, p

Anthropology as a Career

e. A holistic view, a comparative perspective, and focus on the concept of culture (Bonvillain, p

Marxist Anthropology and American Materialism

" The relationship between economy and history ultimately determines Marx's concept of class conflict, wherein the control and ownership of the means of production in the society leads to the dominance of the 'controlling' or elite class, to the detriment of the proletariat, or oppressed, class. Marx posits that a social revolution shall become the people's response to this class conflict, wherein a new system of society (dominated by the proletariat) will emerge (Lusteck, 2001)

Marxist Anthropology and American Materialism

The dialectic relationship between these two general classes that Marx identifies in his theory is the most distinct feature studied in Marxist anthropology. Deriving from Marx's technique of historical materialism, the paradigm of American materialism in anthropology looks distinctly into the principles of "cultural materialism, cultural evolution, and cultural ecology" (Smith, 2001)

Cultural Anthropology

The combination of these factors, provides insights about how the two interact and the attitudes it has on sub-groups. (Bailey, 2013) (Erdich, 2005) The ideas from the book are showing how various attitudes and beliefs will have an impact on stakeholders

Cultural Anthropology

The combination of these elements illustrate how this impacts the study of Cultural Anthropology and its effects on this segment. (Erdich, 2005) Summary and Cultural Anthropology Love Medicine is concentrating on how the way social attitudes will influence how someone will sees themselves and the world around them

Anthropology How an Anthropologist Knows There Are

, 2008; Warren, 2008). Economic status might be guessed at based on evidence of under-nutrition, common in poorer people pretty much across all time periods and cultures, or on certain patterns of prolonged stress that could suggest a certain type of labor occupation, which would also associate the skeleton with a lower socioeconomic class (Jones et al

Sociology and Cultural Anthropology Research Methods Used

Philosophical Justification of Structured Questionnaire The philosophical justification for a structured questionnaire is that it provides real knowledge that is the resultant of human observation of objective reality. The sanity of respondents is "used to accumulate data that are objective, discernible and measurable" (Crossan)

Sociology and Cultural Anthropology Research Methods Used

Thus, this research method is used to obtain facts and data about unexamined areas and also to reconsider the issues that are not clearly and desirably defined. In short, historical analysis adds to the dependability and integrity of a study (Marshall & Rossman, 2011)

Sociology and Cultural Anthropology Research Methods Used

In order for a survey to be successful, sufficient questionnaire creation is important. Any survey that has badly chosen questions, incorrect questions' arrangement, erroneous scaling, or bad format can prove to be worthless and insignificant as it may not exactly reveal participants' thoughts and opinions (Trueman)

Sociology and Cultural Anthropology Research Methods Used

In order for a survey to be successful, sufficient questionnaire creation is important. Any survey that has badly chosen questions, incorrect questions' arrangement, erroneous scaling, or bad format can prove to be worthless and insignificant as it may not exactly reveal participants' thoughts and opinions (Trueman)