Anabolic Steroids Sources for your Essay

Anabolic Steroids. This Drug Has

, 2003). Another very harmful side effect of these drugs is the dangerous fluctuations in the cholesterol level as these drugs have been observed to cause an increase in the LDL cholesterol, which is very harmful for the health and decreases the HDL cholesterol which is beneficial for the health (Tokar, 2006)

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

Steroids encourage growth of new muscles tissues and increase the body strength. Anabolic steroids work in a simpler way as the testosterone and encourage development of male characteristic such as growth of testicle, thickened vocal cord, growth of hair, development of breasts, and loss of hair, impotency and reduced sperm count (Collins, 2003, 178)

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

The steroids improve the general performance of an individual but reduce he/her sporting life. Individual athletes should shun from engaging in all the restricted misconducts that might cost them their glories that they take too long to build; there have been instances where athletes lost their championships long after they had been declared winners (Gladwell, 2003, p

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

People who have at one time used steroids in their practices find it difficult to cope without using them. Anabolic steroids reduces carbolic effects that usually occur under intense training, thus the athlete will not shed their muscle tissues even if they train for long time (Goldberg, 1996, p

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

Some of the substances that are regarded as energy complements are sold as food supplements (health supplements). Sometimes sports personalities use these substances without their knowledge; they might buy food supplements that contain some of the prohibited substances and end up being ejected from sporting events (Mangi, 2002, p

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

People concur that steroids accelerates the metabolism and enables the athletes to perform much better than they can when they are not under the influence of the steroids. However, steroids have been tested and proven to be dangerous to the user's health; consequently use of the stimulus in the fields is abolished all over the world and those who still use the do so contrary to the regulations (Sailer & Stephen, 1999)

Anabolic Steroids Ergogenic Aids Are

Most of the deaths that are linked to steroids use are suicide, liver infections, homicide, cancer and heart diseases. In the early days, steroids were common with the college peers, but with time it found its way into the sporting world when people realized that it could improve their results (Sherman, 2000, p

Anabolic Steroids in the Sporting

¶ … Anabolic Steroids in the sporting world Anabolic Steroids Steroid usage has become increasingly common in today's society, as "the number of professional athletes who have come to rely on performance-enhancing drugs including anabolic steroids and human growth hormone has grown" (Becker & Scheufele 445)

Anabolic Steroids in the Sporting

The combination of all of these mind-altering substances within adolescents whose brains are not full developed can prove highly detrimental to the growth and maturity of such an individual. This is particularly true since "Children seem to be the most susceptible to anabolic steroid use" (Cheatham et al

Anabolic Steroids in the Sporting

Therefore, the disruption of the natural harmony and balance between the body and the mind that the aggressive tendencies of anabolic steroid use engenders can lead younger users into harmful consequences such as becoming addicted to other drugs. For example, "Among males not participating in school sports, 37% of the variation in anabolic steroid use was accounted for by frequency of cocaine use, injected drug use, and engaging in strength training" (Durant et al

Anabolic Steroids in the Sporting

However, a thorough analysis of existing literature unequivocally indicates that although steroid use may generate some positive effect, it is ultimately harmful to the human body and mind. Although steroid usage originated in the early part of the 20th century, it did not gain its widespread, pervasive presence until the middle to the late part of this century (Haff 42)

Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers the

¶ … Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers: Article Review and Critique Although many of the current media reports and the increased attention from governing bodies where sports are concerned may seem to imply otherwise, the use of performance-enhancing drugs (generally steroids) by athletes is not really seen to be a new phenomenon, and many of these steroids have very adverse psychological effects on those that take them (Kindlundh, Hagekull, Isacson, & Nyberg, 2001)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

.while anabolic-androgenic steroids have been used since the early 1950s to enhance athletic performance, the incidence of use appears to have increased considerably in recent years" (Burnett, and Kleiman 81)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

While all of the above impact on the normal body functions and chemical balance, one of the most worrying aspects noted in the literature with regard to the use of anabolic steroids and nutrition is the way that the image or perception of this substance is projected in society as an alternative to normal, healthy nutritional development. (Jenkins) Taking into account the wide range of ways that anabolic steroids can upset and seriously undermine the healthy teenager discussed above, it is of increasing concern among the medical fraternity that steroids are often seen as a more effective means of achieving good body tone and performance levels

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

This figure is supported by other studies;" a 1988 nationwide survey showed that 6.6% of male high school students reported having used steroids" (Reese, and Exum 238)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

It is also significant that the perception in society is often than steroids are beneficial in terms of the performance value that they represent. "Unfortunately, many young men feel that the immediate benefits of steroids are worth the long-term damage to their livers, sexuality, cardiovascular systems, and longevity" (Samaras 26)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

"Supplements are often used by adolescent athletes as ergogenic aids to improve physical performance. While there are risks associated with vitamin/mineral supplement use, other ergogenic aids such as steroids, amphetamines, and human growth hormone present even greater risks for adolescents involved in athletics" (Sobal, and Marquart 835) This is also referred to as the "stepping-stone" pattern of substance abuse

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

positive skeletal muscle-enhancing effect"; although this aspect has not been conclusively proven. (Wichstrom, and Pedersen 5) More controversially, the use of steroids, especially among teenagers or adolescents, has been shown to have possible negative health implications

Anabolic Steroids Medical Issues With Anabolic Steroid

, 2005). Conversely according to assumed prevalence of these anabolic steroids in the United States, the number of cases with adverse events is relatively low (Angel, Chester, Green, and et al

Anabolic Steroids Medical Issues With Anabolic Steroid

Data from animal studies seem to support the possibility that they may have harmful effects but there is some difference in the mode of action of drug in human and animal. Also side effects of the steroids recede as the athlete stops their use (Dhar, Stout, Link and et al