American Corrections Sources for your Essay

American Corrections

¶ … correctional law? Explain why. The most important source of correctional law is the bill of rights (Bartollas,2002)

Correction Trends American Corrections History the Prisons

This is because; the public sector prisons are wasteful in terms of money that is spent in their upkeep. Privatized prisons tend to run more cost effectively as well as efficiently if it happens to meet the budget (Cheung, 2004)

Correction Trends American Corrections History the Prisons

In 1913 for instance, Thomas Mott Osborne (Warden of Auburn prison by then) through the Mutual Welfare League broke the silence code and initiated the inmate self-governance which significantly improved situation in prisons and reduced recidivism. Politicians subsequently attacked him leading to his resignation and a dissolution of the Mutual Welfare League in 1929, a fact that saw sprouting of various heavy prisoner riots (Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1950)

Correction Trends American Corrections History the Prisons

Cells that measured 18 feet square meant for solitary confinement of hardened criminals who posed danger to the other petty offenders in the prison were introduced and trade instructions provided to the prisoners. By 1795 prison populations swelled and the separation cells were now holding 30 to 40 prisoners instead, inevitably the previously eradicated abuses started creeping back (Norman Johnston, 2011)

Correction Trends American Corrections History the Prisons

There has also been the separation between child offenders and adult offenders with the introduction of juvenile systems that enable this. This is a new evolution that did not exist in the 1800s (O'Connor, 2012)

Correction Trends American Corrections History the Prisons

Public offenders in medieval Europe had to go through extreme punishment like torture to death. The justice system had a dark age and has slowly progressed with minor improvement (Parish, 2012)

Correction Trends American Corrections History the Prisons

When there is a good budget in the private companies, they more often than not make sure that the necessary changes run within the set budget, however the public sector only prints more money and that is the reason as to why the private prisons are more safe and effective. In as much as a lot has been done to ensure there is evolution and changes in the correction department, to date the conditions of the American prisons are drug riddled, congested, inhumane treatment exists from fellow inmates and guards, poor medical attention exists, sexual abuse is a commonplace and mortality rate at an all time high (Prison Policy Initiative, 2011)

American Corrections

The increasing number of prisoners during 1995-2001 is mostly attributed to drug crimes as much as 45%, whereas only 9% are due to violent criminal activities. (Butterfield, A6) The prisoners convicted out of drug crimes constitute nearly two third in the federal prisons and it is nearly one fourth in case of state and local prisons

American Corrections

It is noticed that even though the growth rate of the female prisoners are than that of male prisoners, yet the male prisoners in terms of absolute numbers are much higher than the female prisoners who are only 100,102 in comparison to the male prisoners of 1.36 million numbers. (Cass, Report: 1 of Every 75 U

American Corrections

It has been estimated that nearly one third of the women prisoners are presently due to the crimes associated with drugs. (Chaddock, 7) During the periods of Clinton and Bush Senior efforts were made by the congress along with the Presidents to centralize some illegitimate gun possession cases, which increased the number of prisoners under the category by around 70%

American Corrections

The growth in the rate of the black male is surprisingly higher. (Greenfeld, et

American Corrections

Since the rate of stable marriages is less among the economically adverse class, establishment of a correlation between the criminal activities and economic adversity is evident. (Mauer, 5) The statistical evidence of high crime rates at the lower strata of the society is the testimony for the nexus between the rate of criminal offence and economic disparity