Alcoholics Anonymous Sources for your Essay

A Personal Account of My Experience at an AA 12 Step Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous

Another member received a beautiful portrait of herself and her family for going nine complete months without a drink. I felt like this acknowledgement and reward system kept members connected and focused, and at the same time provided newer members with mentors and role models, people to look up to (Armstrong, 2002)

A Personal Account of My Experience at an AA 12 Step Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous

The decision-making process was open and honest, and I felt that members were valued equally regardless of their age and situation. This form of decision-making helped to create unity and cohesion among members (Gastil, 1993) Cohesion among members was further expressed through the use of 'we' in the statement of the twelve steps and traditions

Bill W.: The Creative Force Behind Alcoholics Anonymous

Year : 2016

Spotlight on Alcoholics Anonymous

Year : 1959

Alcoholics Anonymous

Year : 2015