Abusive Relationships Sources for your Essay

Abusive Relationships Women in Abusive Relationships the

Females are often exploited because they are considered to be weak and inferior to males. This concept can be traced back to the times when females hardly eared and inherited little property (Efroymson, 2006)

Abusive Relationships Women in Abusive Relationships the

This will not only yield improvements in the behavior of men but also save their kids from developing into offenders. This is because research says that boys who have seen their parents in an abusive relationship develop a greater risk of abusing their partners when they grow up (Strauss, 1990)

Abusive Relationships - They Come

In this article's conclusion, the researchers found in their studies that those abused participants who used well-thought-out emotional coping strategies (Blumer's #3, "The mobilization of action with regard to the problem") had opportunities to move past the trauma no matter how serious or violent the acts of abuse. One aspect of abuse against women that seems to puzzle healthcare professionals is that so many abused women "continue to feel entrapped in abusive relationships" (Moe 2007)

Abusive Relationships - They Come

Abusive Relationships - They Come in Many Forms About twenty to fifty percent of women all over the world suffer from physical, psychological or sexual abuse, according to an article in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence (Parker, et al

Abusive Relationships - They Come

" Another research article ("Satisfaction with Relationship Power and the Perpetration of Dating Violence") delves into the issue of men who become physically and psychologically abusive to their female partners "as a means of gaining control in relationships." This paper (Ronfeldt, et al

Abusive Relationships - They Come

In conclusion, a hypothesis is appropriate. There are empirically proven factors related to an abused woman's decision to leave a relationship (Strube, et al

Women Stay Abusive Relationships Briefly Cover Steps

[…] These physical and mental outcomes have social and emotional sequelae for the individual, the family, the community, and the society at large. (Kaur & Garg, 2008, ?Domestic Violence and its Health Implications?) We understand thus that it is an unfortunate case each time women fail to end abusive relationships

Abusive Relationships

Not surprisingly, stepmothers seemed to have reached a similar conclusion about their role in the family system. (Bernstein, 2001, citing Santrock and Sitterle, 210) Bernstein wryly notes that few little girls go to bed at night, hugging their pillows and dreaming that 'someday I'll be a stepmother

Abusive Relationships

In an even more difficult set of circumstances, an inappropriate attachment or relationship between a young daughter and a stepfather (or an older stepbrother) can result in the absence of models of appropriate, nonsexual male nurturing behavior. (Peterson "Unable to Love My Stepchild

Abusive Relationships

She also quotes Rachelle Goldberg, a marriage and family therapist in the Boston area who says that "it takes two years or more for stepfamilies to really gel." (Wagner "Suddenly Sibling" Parenting Magazine) Wagner is particularly adamant that stepmothers in particular should avoid disciplining the children of their partner to avoid potential conflict